Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
E. Aistleitner2022Zur Schwärmerfauna der Kapverden (Cabo Verde) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
T. Baron2014Collection records of Noctuoidea and Bombycoidea (Lepidoptera) from a location near Marmaris in south-western Anatolia, Turkey
L. V. Bolshakov, Ismagilov N. N.2017Moths of Republic of Tatarstan. 2. Metaheterocera excluding Geometridae, Noctuidae (Lepidoptera)
S. P. Clancy2015The immigration of Lepidoptera to the British Isles in 2011
S. P. Clancy2012The immigration of Lepidoptera to the British Isles in 2009
D. Fritsch, Stangelmeier, G., Top-Jensen, M., Bech, K.2014Die nachtakitive Groß-Schmetterlingsfauna von Samos (Griechenland, Östliche Ägäis) (Lepidoptera: Cossoidea, Lasiocampoidea, Bombycoidea, Drepanoidea, Geometroidea, Noctuoidea)
H. Hacker2016Family Sphingidae Latreille, 1802
H. Hacker2016Colour plates 143-324
J. Händel2017Sphingidae 2016
E. V. Ilyina, Poltavsky A. N.2018New data to distribution of hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) in Daghestan
D. Jugan2017Première observation de Daphnis nerii (Linnaeus, 1758) dans les Vosges (Lepidoptera Sphingidae Macroglossinae)
A. Katbeh-Bader2014Contribution to the hawk moths (Sphingidae: Lepidoptera) of Jordan
S. Lewandowski, Lewandowski-Krenz K.2014Beitrag zur Lepidopterenfauna von Ägypten (Lepidoptera), Teil 1: Familien Hesperiidae, Pieridae, Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae, Sphingidae, Lasiocampidae; sowie Erebidae: Unterfamilien Lymantriinae und Arctiinae
H. G. Marco, Šimek, P., Gäde, G.2020Unique members of the adipokinetic hormone family in butterflies and moths (Insecta, Lepidoptera)
G. M. Nishida1992Hawaiian terrestrial arthropod checklist
L. W. Rothschild1917Supplemental notes to Mr. Charles Oberthür's Faune des Lépidoptères de la Barbarie, with lists of the specimens contained in the Tring Museum
A. Mabrouk_Amer_Salem2022Lepidoptera of Egypt Part III: Revision of Family Sphingidae (Bombycoidea)
H. Sehadova, Zavodska, R., Zurovec, M., Sauman, I.2021The Filippi’s glands of giant silk moths: to be or not to be?
A. S. Shere-Kharwar, Magdum, S. M., Khedkar, G. D., Gupta, S. S.2022Diversity patterns and seasonality of hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) from northern Western Ghats of Maharashtra, India
W. J. Tennent, Russell P. J. C.2015Notes on some hawk-moths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) from the Cape Verde Islands
E. Vermandel, Vliegenthart A.2017Trekvlinders in België en Nederland in 2016 (Lepidoptera)
E. P. Wiltshire1988The larger moths (Macro-Heterocera) of the Wahiba Sands
E. P. Wiltshire1986Lepidoptera of Saudi Arabia: fam. Cossidae, Sesiidae, Metarbelidae, Lasiocampidae, Sphingidae, Geometridae, Lymantriidae, Arctiidae, Nolidae, Noctuidae (Heterocera); fam. Satyridae (Rhopalocera) (part 5)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith