Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
P. Basquin2017État de nos connaissances des Lépidoptères Hétérocères de São Tomé et Principe
T. Bouyer, Kitching I. J.2023Contribution à la connaissance des Sphingidae de République démocratique du Congo (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
A. G. Butler1876Revision of the heterocerous Lepidoptera of the family Sphingidae
R. H. Carcasson1972Revisional notes on the African Sphingidae (Lepidoptera)
R. H. Carcasson1968Revised catalogue of the African Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) with descriptions of the East African species
B. P. Clark1923Thirty-three new Sphingidae
B. P. Clark1922Twenty-five new Sphingidae
de Boisduval, J. B. A. E.1875Histoire naturelle des insectes. Species général des Lépidoptères Hétérocères. 1. Sphingides, Sésiides, Castnides
P. Griveaud1971Sur quelques Sphingides de Madagascar [Lep.] (4e note)
H. Hacker2016Family Sphingidae Latreille, 1802
H. Hacker2016Colour plates 143-324
C. Joly, Bernaud, D., Pierre, J.2005Entomological mission to Malawi
K. Jordan1938On some new and unfigured Lepidoptera from the Oriental and Ethiopian Regions
F. Karsch1891Verzeichniss der von Herrn Dr. Paul Preuss auf der Barombi-Station in Kamerun gesammelten Sphingiden
S. G. Kiriakoff1954Lepidoptera Heterocera
P. Oremans, Pierre J.2002Les Sphinx de São Tomé (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
J. Pierre, Michaloud, S., Pierre-Baltus, C.1985Élevages de quelques Lépidoptères sphingides à Makokou, Gabon
L. W. Rothschild1894Notes on Sphingidae, with descriptions of new species
L. W. Rothschild, Jordan K.1916Further corrections of and additions to our "Revision of the Sphingidae"
L. W. Rothschild, Jordan K.1915Thirteen new Sphingidae
L. W. Rothschild, Jordan K.1903A revision of the lepidopterous family Sphingidae
A. E. Sallema, Selemani S. S.2022Diversity and abundance of a pollinator group: hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) in forests and surrounding farmlands, East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania
V. M. Spitsyn, Spitsyna, E. A., Burchalovskaia, P. D., Bolotov, I. N.2022A review of the Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) fauna of Zanzibar (Unguja) Island (Tanzania)
F. Walker1856Sphingidae
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith