Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
R. G. Busnel, Dumortier B.1959Vérification par des méthodes d'analyse acoustique des hypothèses sur l'origine du cri du Sphinx {IAcherontia atropos} (Linné)
P. Griveaud1959Deux nouveaux Sphingidae de Madagascar (Lepidoptera)
P. Griveaud1959Insectes Lépidoptères Sphingidae
G. A. Hardy1959Notes on the life histories of four moths from southern Vancouver Island
L. C. Higgins1959The original larval figures of Schiffermüller
G. H. Goodwin Jr1959Earlier dates for {ILibythea bachmanni} and {IMacroglossa balteata}
K. Kernbach1959Die Sphingidengattungen Dolbina Stgr. und Rethera R.&J
B. J. Lempke1959Catalogus der Nederlandsche Macrolepidoptera (zesde supplement)
R. N. Mathur Balwant_Singh1959A list of pests of forest pests in India and the adjacent countries (arranged alphabetically according to plant genera and species, for the use of forest officers). Part 5. - List of insect pests of plant genera 'D' to 'F' (Dactyloclenium to Funtumia)
R. Mell1959Sprunghafter Wechsel der Nährpflanze bei der Eiablage von Schmetterlingen. Beiträge zur Fauna sinica XXVI
E. S. Milyanovskiy1959The adaptive coloration of {ICelerio vespertilio} Esp. (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) moths and caterpillars
M. Okano1959New or little known moths from Formosa (2)
H. R. Pearson1959Consideraçoes sôbre o gênero {IManduca} Huebner, 1807
J. Soffner1959Dolbina elegans O. Bang-Haas in Europa (Lep. Sphingidae)
E. L. Todd1959The fruit-piercing moths of the genus {IGonodonta} Hbner (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)
L. Travassos, Pearson H. R.1959Excursâo entomológica e botƒnica realizada em Minas Gerais na Serra do Cipó no lugar denominado Alto do Palácio (alt. 1.300m) a 124 Km de Belo Horizonte na Estrada qur vai além de Lagoa Santa
L. Vázquez-G1959Notas sobre Lepidópteros des las islas Revillagigedo. II
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith