Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
R. Agenjo1974Localización en Santander del aclimatado arbusto brasileño Araujoia sericifera Brot., asclepiad cea en cyyas fisuras fenestriformes florales quedan apresados los lepidópteros por la espiritrompa cuando acuden a libar
Wasserthal, L. T.1993Swing-hovering combined with long tongue in hawkmoths, an antipredator adaptation during flower visits. Pp. 77-87 in
R. Bigge, Pfefferle, M., Pfeiffer, K., Stöckl, A.2021Natural image statistics in the dorsal and ventral visual field match a switch in flight behaviour of a hawkmoth
D. J. Blackiston, Casey, E. S., Weiss, M. R.2008Retention of memory through metamorphosis: can a moth remember what it learned as a caterpillar?
D. J. Blackiston, Casey, E. S., Weiss, M. R.2008Retention of memory through metamorphosis: can a moth remember what it learned as a caterpillar?
H. Bänziger1988Unsuspected tear drinking and anthropophily in thyatirid moths, with similar notes on sphingids
E. O. Campos, Bradshaw_Jr, H. D., Daniel, T. L.2015Shape matters: corolla curvature improves nectar discovery in the hawkmoth Manduca sexta
B. Dvořák2018Bemerkungen zur Verhaltensweise und Phänologie der Raupen von Pseudosphinx tetrio (Linnaeus, 1777) und verwandten Dilophonotini-Genera (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae): wer ahmt wen nach?
B. Dvořák2017Tarn- und Warnverhalten bei Amphimoea walkeri (Boisduval, 1875) und anderen Cocytiina (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
B. Dvořák2017Über die nichtflorale Ernährung einiger Schwärmerarten mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Gattungen Notonagemia (Zolotuhin & Ryabov, 2012) und Acherontia (Laspeyres, 1809) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
B. Dvořák2012Zum Freßverhalten der L1-Raupen von Daphnis nerii (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
S. T. Fabian, Sondhi, Y., Allen, P. E., Theobald, J. C., Lin, H. - T.2024Why flying insects gather at artificial light
J. Goyret, Kelber, A., Pfaff, M., Raguso, R. A.2017Flexible responses to visual and olfactory stimuli by foraging Manduca sexta: larval nutrition affects adult behaviour
S. Heinig1978Der Totenkopfschwärmer (Acherontia atropos) im Beinenstock (Lep.: Sphingidae)
N. M. Kalberer, Reisenman, C. E., Hildebrand, J. G.2010Male moths bearing transplanted female antennae express characteristically female behaviour and central neural activity
A. Kelber2002Pattern discrimination in a hawkmoth: innate preferences, learning performance and ecology
E. S. Koshkin, Yevdoshenko S. I.2019Diversity and ecology of hawk moths of the genus Hemaris (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) of the Russian Far East
G. O. Krizek1988Atypical nectaring behavior in 2 species of Sphingidae
G. P. A. Lamarre, Mendoza, I., Rougerie, R., Decaëns, T., Hérault, B., Bénéluz, F.2015Staying out (almost) all night: contrasting responses in flight activity among tropical moth assemblages
R. Leverton2015Convolvulus Hawk-moth Agrius convolvuli apparently orientating at dusk
L. N. Litvinchuk1986Ethological observation to butterflies and larvae of learch [sic] sphinx - Hyloicus morio Rotsch. et Jordan (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) in pine forests attached to the Ob
J. de la Maza_E.2015Comportamiento de la lepidopterofauna durante el eclipse total de sol del 11 de julio en Chiconcuac, Morelos, México (Lepidoptera)
A. Miyata2000Observation of copulation of Marumba sperchius (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
W. A. Nässig, Lüttgen M.1988Notes on genital stridulation in male hawkmoths in South East Asia (Lep., Sphingidae)
W. A. Nässig, Oberprieler, R. G., Duke, N. J.1992Preliminary observations on sound production in South African hawk moths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
R. Perry, de Vries T.2003Notes on the distribution and breeding biology of Galapagos Lepidoptera
F. V. Ponce, Breinholt, J. W., Hossie, T., Barber, J. R., Janzen, D. H., Hallwachs, W., Kawahara, A. Y.2015A molecular phylogeny of Eumorpha (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) and the evolution of anti-predator larval eyespots
R. A. Raguso, Willis M. A.2003Hawkmoth pollination in Arizona's Sonoran Desert: behavioral responses to floral traits.
R. A. Raguso, Willis M. A.2002Synergy between visual and olfactory cues in nectar feeding by naïve hawkmoths, Manduca sexta
J. P. Reinecke, Buckner, J. S., Grugel, S. R.1980Life cycle of laboratory-reared tobacco hornworms Manduca sexta, a study on development and behaviour, using time-lapse cinematography
G. J. Retallack1990The work of dung beetles and its fossil record
J. Robb1978Protective behavior in {IAmplypterus gannascus} (Sphingidae)
G. S. Robinson, Robinson H. S.1972Genital stridulation in male Psilogramma jordana Bethune-Baker (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
D. Rubinoff2002Observations of adult and larval behavior in the winter sphingid, Arctonotus lucidus (Sphingidae)
S. Sponberg, Dyhr, J. P., Hall, R. W., Daniel, T. L.2015Luminance-dependent visual processing enables moth flight in low light
I. Tanahara1999An interesting habit of the larva of Agrius convolvuli (Linnaeus) (Sphingidae) in Okinawa
P. M. Tuskes, Emmel J. F.1981The life history and behavior of Euproserpinus euterpe (Sphingidae)
L. T. Wasserthal2013Evolution of long-tongued hawkmoths and pollination of long-spurred Angraecum orchids
L. T. Wasserthal1998Deep flowers for long tongues
L. T. Wasserthal1997The pollinators of the Malagasy Star Orchids Angraecum sesquipedale, A. sororium and A. compactum and the evolution of extremely long spurs by pollinator shift
L. T. Wasserthal1996Of hawkmoth species with long "tongues". Tropical biocenoses
L. H. Williams1966Observations on the life history of the Poplar Hawk Moth, Laothoe populi L. Part I. Mating, egg laying and larval development and behaviour
A. M. Young1982Hindtibial defensive spurs in the neotropical sphinx moth {IAmplypterus gannascus}?
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith