Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
L. J. Aguado, Penco, F. C., Núñez_Bustos, E.2021Sphingidae
A. G. Butler1875Descriptions of thirty-three new or little-known species of Sphingidae in the collection of the British Museum
J. - M. Cadiou, Holloway J. D.1989Endemic Sphingidae from Sulawesi (Lepidoptera)
B. P. Clark1937Twelve new Sphingidae and notes on seven others
B. P. Clark1932A review of some Sphingidae described by Dr. S. Matsumura
B. P. Clark1926Descriptions of twelve new Sphingidae and remarks upon some other species
B. P. Clark1923Thirty-three new Sphingidae
B. P. Clark1920Sixteen new Sphingidae
F. Dupont, Roepke W.1941Heterocera Javanica. Fam. Sphingidae, hawk moths
H. G. Dyar1912Descriptions of new species and genera of Lepidoptera, chiefly from Mexico
J. J. de Freina, Witt T. J.1987Die Bombyces und Sphinges der Westpalaearktis (Insecta, Lepidoptera)
R. W. Hodges1971Sphingoidea
W. J. Holland1900The Lepidoptera of Buru. Part II. Heterocera
K. Kernbach1967Einige Bemerkungen zu Schwärmerfängen auf der Insel Sumatra. Ergänzungen zur Kenntnis der Schwärmer (II) (Lep. Sphingidae)
Chistyakov, Y. A.1988Thyatiridae, Lasiocampidae, Saturniidae, Sphingidae, Notodontidae, Lymantriidae and Arctiidae. Pp. 149-217 in
I. J. Kitching, Spitzer K.1995An annotated checklist of the Sphingidae of Vietnam
A. Lemée1950Contribution à l'étude des Lépidoptères du Haut-Tonkin (Nord-Vietnam) et de Saïgon ... avec le concours pours diverses familles d'Hétérocères de Mr W.H.T. Tams, entomologiste du British Museum
A. R. Pittaway, Kitching I. J.2000Notes on selected species of hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) from China, Mongolia and the Korean Peninsula
L. W. Rothschild, Jordan K.1916Further corrections of and additions to our "Revision of the Sphingidae"
L. W. Rothschild, Jordan K.1903A revision of the lepidopterous family Sphingidae
D. G. Sevastopulo1956Notes on Heterocera of Kampala and neighbourhood (II)
G. S. Zolotarenko, Petrova, V. P., Shiryaev, V. V.1978Sphingids (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) of western Siberia
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith