Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
T. Baron2014Collection records of Noctuoidea and Bombycoidea (Lepidoptera) from a location near Marmaris in south-western Anatolia, Turkey
L. V. Bolshakov, Ismagilov N. N.2017Moths of Republic of Tatarstan. 2. Metaheterocera excluding Geometridae, Noctuidae (Lepidoptera)
D. Fritsch, Stangelmeier, G., Top-Jensen, M., Bech, K.2014Die nachtakitive Groß-Schmetterlingsfauna von Samos (Griechenland, Östliche Ägäis) (Lepidoptera: Cossoidea, Lasiocampoidea, Bombycoidea, Drepanoidea, Geometroidea, Noctuoidea)
M. Garre, Guerrero, J. J., Rubio, R. M., Ortiz, A. S.2015Revisión y actualización de los Macroheterocera (Insecta, Lepidoptera) del Parque Natural de la Serranía de Cuenca (península ibérica)
E. Guzmán2013Contribució al coneixement de la distribució dels macroheteròcers de la Garrotxa amb dades del quadrat UTM 31TDG67
A. Katbeh-Bader2014Contribution to the hawk moths (Sphingidae: Lepidoptera) of Jordan
M. Martin2015Lépidoptères observés par Paul Vittemer (1940-1995) pendant ses séjours hors de Lorraine. Essai de compilation (Lepidoptera)
A. N. Poltavsky2013Records of Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) from the Rostov-on-Don province, Russia
L. Rezbanyai-Reser2019Die Nachtfalter von Roccamare, Toscana (Lepidoptera: «Macroheterocera»)
E. Seven2020A survey on sphingidae (lepidoptera) species of south eastern Turkey with new distributional records
A. S. Shere-Kharwar, Magdum, S. M., Khedkar, G. D., Gupta, S. S.2022Diversity patterns and seasonality of hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) from northern Western Ghats of Maharashtra, India
R. Wąsala, Zamorski R.2015New moth species Akbesia davidii Oberthür, 1884 recorded in Armenia, and new records on the occurrence of hawk-moths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) in Armenia
R. V. Yakovlev, Gus'kova, E. V., Doroshkin, V. V., Titov, S. V.2015Sphingidae of the Mongolian Altai (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith