Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
L. W. Cardoso, Silva-Brandão, K. L., Duarte, M.2018Adhemarius eurysthenes (Felder, 1874) (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) in the Atlantic Rain Forest: A phylogeographic perspective
G. Durand2023Contribution à l'étude des Lasiocampidae néotropicaux. Description de nouvelles espèces du « complex Euglyphis submarginalis » (Lepidoptera Lasiocampidae)
C. González, Ballesteros-Mejia, L., Díaz-Díaz, J., Toro-Vargas, D. M., Amarillo-Suarez, A. R., Gey, G., León, C., Tovar, E., Arias, M., Rivera, N., Buitrago, L. S., Pinto-Moraes, R. H., Martins, I. S. Sano, Decaëns, T., González, M. A., Kitching, I. J., Rougerie, R.2023Deadly and venomous Lonomia caterpillars are more than the two usual suspects
J. Haxaire, Rougerie, R., Mielke, C. G. C., Kitching, I. J.2015Manduca exiguus (Gehlen, 1942): a valid species from southern and southeastern Brazil, Uruguay and northeastern Argentina (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
D. Herbin, Beccacece H. N.2018Description of three new species of Apatelodidae from the southern neotropical region (Lepidoptera, Bombycoidea)
E. Orlandin, Piovesan, M., Carneiro, E.2022From molecular data to natural history: a new species of Apatelodes (Lepidoptera: Bombycoidea: Apatelodidae) from southern Brazil
T. Vaglia, Haxaire, J., Kitching, I. J., Meusnier, I., Rougerie, R.2008Morphology and DNA barcoding reveal three cryptic species within the Xylophanes neoptolemus and loelia species-groups (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
M. M. Zenker, Rougerie, R., Teston, J. A., Laguerre, M., Pie, M. R., Frietas, A. V. L.2016Fast census of moth diversity in the Neotropics: a comparison of field-assigned morphospecies and DNA barcoding in tiger moths
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith