Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
M. Ahola, Kohonen L.1985A list of Macrolepidoptera collected in north-eastern Spain in June 1982
F. W. Amorim, Marino, S., Sanz-Veiga, P. A., Ollerton, J., Oliveira, P. E.2022Short flowers for long tongues: functional specialization in a nocturnal pollination network of an asclepiad in long-tongued hawkmoths
Shovkoon, D. F.2011The distribution of Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) Uralo-Caspian Region. Pp. 26-35 in
T. Blaik2010Nowe dane i uwagi o moytlach wiekszych (Macrolepidoptera) rezerwatu "Bielenek"
L. V. Bolshakov, Ismagilov N. N.2017Moths of Republic of Tatarstan. 2. Metaheterocera excluding Geometridae, Noctuidae (Lepidoptera)
C. L. Borkowsky, Westwood A. R.2009Seed capsule production in the endangered western prairie fringed orchid (Platanthera praeclara) in relation to sphinx moth (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) activity
E. M. Brantley, Jones, A. G., Hodson, A. M., Brown, J. W., Pogue, M. G., Suazo, M. M., Parmenter, R. R.2023Short-term effects of a high-severity summer wildfire on conifer forest moth (Lepidoptera) communities in New Mexico, USA
A. Brasovs, Palaoro, A. V., Aprelev, P., Beard, C. E., Adler, P. H., Kornev, K. G.2023Haemolymph viscosity in hawkmoths and its implications for hovering flight
G. T. Broadhead, Basu, T., von Arx, M., Raguso, R. A.2017Diel rhythms and sex differences in the locomotor activity of hawkmoths
A. G. Butler1876Revision of the heterocerous Lepidoptera of the family Sphingidae
A. G. Butler1875Descriptions of thirty-three new or little-known species of Sphingidae in the collection of the British Museum
A. G. Butler1875Descriptions of new species of Sphingidae
J. - M. Cadiou1995Seven new species of Sphingidae (Lepidoptera)
J. V. Calhoun2010An overlooked 18th Century list of North American Lepidoptera
T. M. Casey1976Activity patterns, body temperature and thermal ecology in two desert caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
F. Chalumeau, Delplanque A.1974Catalogue raisonné des Sphingidae des Antilles Françaises
B. P. Clark1935Descriptions of twenty new Sphingidae and notes on three others
B. P. Clark1932Descriptions of four new Sphingidae and notes concerning two others
B. P. Clark1932A review of some Sphingidae described by Dr. S. Matsumura
B. P. Clark1931Descriptions of seven new Sphingidae and a note on one other
B. P. Clark1930Sundry notes on Sphingidae and descriptions of seven new forms
B. P. Clark1929Sundry notes on Sphingidae, descriptions of sixteen new species, and of one new genus
B. P. Clark1925Eight new Sphingidae
B. P. Clark1924Twelve new Sphingidae
B. P. Clark1923Thirty-three new Sphingidae
B. P. Clark1922Twenty-five new Sphingidae
B. P. Clark1920Sixteen new Sphingidae
B. P. Clark1919Some undescribed Sphingidae
B. P. Clark1917New Sphingidae
B. P. Clark1916New American Sphingidae
J. Clavijo-A., Chacín-Rivas M. E.1992Sphingidae (Insecta: Lepidoptera) reportado como plagas en cultivos venezolanos: clave para las especies
B. Clemens1859Synopsis of North American Sphingidae
A. Closs1917In: Krombach, Berliner Entomologen-Bund. Sitzung am 31. Oktober 1916
A. Closs1917Neue Formen aus der Familie der Sphingidae
A. Closs1916Fam. Sphingidae
A. Closs1915H. Sauter's Formosa-Ausbeute. Sphingidae (Lep.)
M. F. V. Corley2015Lepidoptera of continental Portugal. A fully revised list
J. R. Alvarez_Corral, Alvarez_Sierra J. R.1997Adiciones a la lista de los Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) de El Valle, Merida, Venezuela
A. Corso2011Segnalazioni di lepidotteri eteroceri per le isole circumsiciliane con particolare riferimento agli Sfingidi (Lepidoptera Heterocera)
P. Cramer1779Die uitlandsche kapellen voorkomende in de drie waereld-deelen Asia, Africa en America
J. D'Aguilar1966Catalogue raisonné des insectes des Antilles Françaises, 1. Lépidoptères: Sphingidae
F. Daniel1967117. Bombyces et Sphinges II. Ergebnisse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei (Lepidoptera)
F. Daniel1949Neue Sphingidae Südamerikas (Lep. Het.)
F. Daniel1949Liste der von Pater Cornelius Vogl in Maracay und Caracas gesammelten Schmetterlinge
J. Dantart, Vallhonrat F.2017Contribuciò al coneixement dels lepidòpters del Parc Natural del Cadí-Moixeró (Lepidoptera) (V)
J. Dantart, Vallhonrat F.2013Contribució al coneixement dels lepidòpters del Parc Natural del Cadí-Moxeiró (Lepidoptera) (II)
P. Darge1973Saturniidae et Sphingidae africains nouveaux ou peu connus [Lep.]
C. M. de Biezanko, Zopp J.1954Die Sphingiden Uruguays
J. B. A. E. de Boisduval1868Lépidoptères de la Californie
de Boisduval, J. B. A. E.1875Histoire naturelle des insectes. Species général des Lépidoptères Hétérocères. 1. Sphingides, Sésiides, Castnides


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith