Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
L. F. A. Alves, Brancalhâo, R. M. C., Santana, D. L. Q.2001Ocorrência de baculovirus em lagartas de Perigonia lusca (Fabr.) (Lep., Sphingidae) no Brasil
B. P. Clark1928Sundry notes on Sphingidae and descriptions of ten new species
B. P. Clark1919Some undescribed Sphingidae
G. Couturier, Gonzales-T. J.1995Insectos plaga de la "capirona", Calycophyllum spruceanum Benth (Rubiaceae), en sistema agroforestal
T. S. Dickel1983[Note]
J. C. Fabricius1777Genera insectorum eorumque characteres naturales secundum numerum, figuram, situm et proportionem omnium partium oris adiecta mantissa specierum nuper detectarum
Felder, C., Felder R.1874Lepidoptera. Heft IV. Atlas der Heterocera Sphingidae-Noctuidae
J. Haxaire1996Les genres Pachygonidia Fletcher, Nyceryx Boisduval et Perigonia Herrich-Schäffer en Guyane Française. (Lepidoptera Sphingidae)
C. W. Bordelon Jr, Knudson E. C.2000New records of Lepidoptera from Texas and the USA, and illustrations of other interesting species
E. Núñez_Bustos2015Catálogo revisado y actualizado de Sphingidae de Argentina, con seis nuevos registros (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
L. Roque-Albelo, Landry B.2002The Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) of the Galápagos Islands: their identification, distribution, and host plants, with new records
L. W. Schaufuss1870Die exotischen Lepidoptera Heterocera der Früher Kaden'schen Sammlung
J. R. Slotten, Miller W.2000Occurrence of Eupyrrhoglossum sagra and Perigonia lusca in Florida (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
J. A. Torres1992Lepidoptera outbreaks in response to successional changes after the passage of Hurricane Hugo in Puerto Rico
L. Vázquez-G1960La subspecies Perigonia lusca interrupta Wlk. y sus formas (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
F. Walker1865Supplement
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith