Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
P. Darge2004Contribution à l'étude du genre Polyptychoides Carcasson, avec la description de nouveaux taxons (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
U. Eitschberger2007Sphingidae (Lepidoptera: Bombycoidea) (Plate 16), pp. 195-203 in
U. Eitschberger2007Die Gattung Pseudoclanis Rothschild, 1894. Vorläufige Revision mit Neueingliederung der Arten in bekkante und neue Gattungen (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
U. Eitschberger, Surholt B.1999Die Arten des Subgenus Danneria Eitschberger & Zolotuhin, 1998 in der Gattung Hyles Hübner, [1819] 1. Ergänzung zu "Die Schwärmer der westlichen Palaearktis" (Danner, Eitschberger & Surholt, 1998) (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
B. Gehlen1922Eine neue Sphingide aus Windhuk
T. Melichar, Řezáč, M., Hodeček, J.2020Notes on the taxonomy of the genus Praedora Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae, Sphinginae, Sphingini), with descriptions of five new subspecies
A. M. Prozorov, Prozorova, T. A., Yakovlev, R. V., Volkova, J. S., Saldaitis, A., Sulak, H., Revay, E. E., Müller, G. C.2023Description of two new species of Dinometa from East Africa with remarks on D. maputuana (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae, Lasiocampinae)
A. M. Prozorov, Volkova, J. S., Saldaitis, A., Prozorova, T. A., Sulak, H., Yakovlev, R. V., Traore, M. M., Revay, E. E., Müller, G. C.2024A new genus Meyameta for South African “Napta” straminea and description of its sister species from Namibia (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae)
A. M. Prozorov, Zolotuhin V. V.2016A review of the genus Odontopacha Aurivillius, 1909 (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae)
R. H. R. Stevenson1938The Sphingidae of South Africa, with special reference to those of Southern Rhodesia
L. Vári, Kroon, D. M., Krüger, M.2002Classification and checklist of the species of Lepidoptera recorded in Southern Africa
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith