Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
W. M. Barnes, McDunnough J. H.1910List of Sphingidae of America north of Mexico
G. T. Bethune-Baker1910Descriptions of new species of Heterocera from New Guinea
A. Closs1910Zwei neue Shingidenformen [sic]
M. Gillmer1910Zur Variation von {IMetopsilus} ({ITheretra}) {Iporcellus} L. nebst einer neuer Abart desselben
G. F. Hampson1910Zoological collections from Northern Rhodesia and adjacent territories: Lepidoptera Phalaenae
G. F. Hampson1910The moths of India. Supplementary paper to the volumes in "The fauna of British India." Series IV, part I
G. F. Hampson1910Descriptions of new African moths
J. G. Kerr1910Remarks upon the Zoological Collection of the University of Glasgow, made on the occasion of the visit by the Natural History Society, on March 12, 1910
H. Rebel1910Fr. Berge's Schmetterlingsbuch nach dem gegenwärtigen Stande der Lepidopterologie neu bearbeitet und herasugegeben
L. W. Rothschild1910Descriptions of a new hawkmoth and some Syntomidae
L. W. Rothschild, Jordan K.1910Some new Sphingidae
L. W. Rothschild, Jordan K.1910List of the Sphingidae collected by the late W. Hoffmanns at Allianca, Rio Madeira, Amazonas
O. Schultz1910Ueber drei aberrative und drei gynandromorphe Saturniden-Formen
E. Strand1910Eine neue Sphingiden-Gattung aus Afrika
R. Trimen1910Description of a new {ISmerinthus} hawkmoth from South Africa
A. E. Wileman1910Some new Lepidoptera-Heterocera from Formosa
International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature1910Opinion 11. The designation of genotypes by Latreille, 1810
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith