Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
R. Alarcón, Davidowitz, G., Bronstein, J. L.2008Nectar usage in a southern Arizona hawkmoth community
F. W. Amorim, Marino, S., Sanz-Veiga, P. A., Ollerton, J., Oliveira, P. E.2022Short flowers for long tongues: functional specialization in a nocturnal pollination network of an asclepiad in long-tongued hawkmoths
T. Ando, Nomura, M., Tsukahara, J., Watanabe, H., Kokobun, H., Tsukamoto, T., Hashimoto, G., Marchesi, E., Kitching, I. J.2001Reproductive isolation in a native population of {IPetunia sensu} Jussieu (Solanaceae)
J. Bing, Li, X., Haverkamp, A., Baldwin, I. T., Hansson, B. S., Knaden, M., Yon, F.2021Variation in Manduca sexta pollination-related floral traits and reproduction in a wild tobacco plant
E. O. Campos, Bradshaw_Jr, H. D., Daniel, T. L.2015Shape matters: corolla curvature improves nectar discovery in the hawkmoth Manduca sexta
A. Dahake, Jain, P., Vogt, C. C., Kandalaft, W., Stroock, A. D., Raguso, R. A.2022A signal-like role for floral humidity in a nocturnal pollination system
K. Fox, Anderson, K. M., Andres, R., Foster, M. C., Foster, C. E., Vik, D., Vitt, P., Harris, M. O.2015Nectar robbery and thievery in the hawk moth (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)-pollinated Western Prairie Fringed Orchid Platanthera praeclara
V. Grant, Grant K. A.1983Behavior of hawkmoths on flowers of {IDatura meteloides}
V. Grant, Grant K. A.1983Hawkmoths pollination of {IMirabilis longiflora} (Nyctaginaceae)
D. P. Gregory1963Hawkmoth pollination in the genus {IOenothera}
D. P. Gregory1963Hawkmoth pollination in the genus Oenothera
D. P. Gregory1963Hawkmoth pollination in the genus Oenothera
I. J. Kitching2002The phylogenetic relationships of Morgan's Sphinx, {IXanthopan morganii} (Walker), the tribe Acherontiini, and allied long-tongued hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae, Sphinginae)
M. Moré, Amorim, F. W., Benitez-Vieyra, S., Medina, A. M., Sazima, M., Cocucci, A. A.2012Armament imbalances: match and mismatch in plant-pollinator traits of highly specialized long-spurred orchids
M. Moré, Sérsic, A. N., Cocucci, A. A.2006Specialized use of pollen vectors by Caesalpinia gilliesii, a legume species with brush-type flowers
J. Nattero, Moré, M., Sérsic, A. N., Cocucci, A. A.2003Possible tobacco progenitors share long-tongued hawkmoths as pollen vectors
M. Pedron, Buzatto, C. R., Singer, R. B., Batista, J. A. N., Moser, A.2012Pollination biology of four sympatric species of Habenaria (Orchidaceae: Orchidinae) from southern Brazil
G. Perkins, Estes, J. R., Thorp, R. W.1975Pollination of {ICnidoscolus texanus} (Euphorbiaceae) in south-central Oklahoma
L. M. Primo, Domingos-Melo, A., Galetto, L., Machado, I. C.2022Nectar secretion patterns are associated to nectar accessibility in aguild of crepuscular-nocturnal flowering plants
R. A. Raguso, Henzel, C., Buchmann, S. L., Nabhan, G. P.2003Trumpet flowers of the Sonoran Desert: floral biology of Peniocereus cacti and sacred Datura
R. A. Raguso, Willis M. A.2002Synergy between visual and olfactory cues in nectar feeding by naïve hawkmoths, Manduca sexta
R. B. Singer, Cocucci A. A.1997Eye attached hemipollinia in the hawkmoth and settling moth pollination of Habenaria (Orchidaceae): a study on functional morphology in 5 species from subtropical South America
A. P. Willmott, Búrquez A.1996The pollination of {IMerremia palmeri} (Convolvulaceae): can hawk moths be trusted?
B. E. Young, Auer, S., Ormes, M., Rapacciuolo, G., Schweitzer, D., Sears, N.2017Are pollinating hawkmoths declining in the northeastern United States? An analysis of collection records
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith