Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Harvir_Singh, Kalra, V. K., Verma, P. K., Tomer, P. S.1985New host records of til hawk moth, Acherontia styx Westwood and cotton ash weevil Myllocereus undecempunctatus Desbr. at Hissar
J. Abbot, Smith J. E.1797The natural history of the rarer lepidopterous insects of Georgia, including their systematic characters, the particulars of their several metamorphoses and the plants on which they feed
J. L. R. Agassiz1847Nomenclatoris zoologici
W. G. S. Aggrey1982Swaziland
L. J. Aguado, Penco, F. C., Núñez_Bustos, E.2021Sphingidae
A. M. F. Aguiar, Karsholt O.2006Systematic catalogue of the entomofauna of the Madeira archipelago and Selvagens Islands. Lepidoptera. Vol. 1
S. K. Aherkar, Muqueem, A., Thakare, H. S., Mahajan, K. R.1993Epidemics of horn worm on mung and udid beans in Buldhana district
M. Ahola, Kohonen L.1985A list of Macrolepidoptera collected in north-eastern Spain in June 1982
D. B. Ahuja1989Seasonal occurrence of insect pests in Sesamum indicum Linn.
E. Aistleitner2022Zur Schwärmerfauna der Kapverden (Cabo Verde) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
E. Aistleitner, Aistleitner U.1998Notizen zur Schmetterlingsfauna der Insel Pantelleria (Italien, Sizilien) I: Diurna, Bombyces & Sphinges s.l.
R. Alexandersson, Johnson S. D.2002Pollinator-mediated selection on flower-tube length in a hawkmoth-pollinated {IGladiolus} (Iridaceae)
F. W. Amorim, Marino, S., Sanz-Veiga, P. A., Ollerton, J., Oliveira, P. E.2022Short flowers for long tongues: functional specialization in a nocturnal pollination network of an asclepiad in long-tongued hawkmoths
G. P. Ancajima, Grados J.2022First records of Sphingidae, Saturniidae, and Arctiinae (Lepidoptera) in the forests of Polylepis sericea in the Huascarán National Park, Ancash, Peru
K. Andreas1925Die Zucht von schwarzen Kiefernschwärmern aus dem Ei und Beschreibung einer neuen Varietät dieses Schwärmers = Hyloicus pinastri var. semilugens
Shovkoon, D. F.2011The distribution of Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) Uralo-Caspian Region. Pp. 26-35 in
Anonymous2014Reports from coastal stations - 2013
Anonymous2011Reports from coastal stations. Isle of Thanet, Kent
Anonymous2005Rare pine hawk moth caterpillar found near Main Gate
Anonymous1967Insect pest survey for the year ending 30th June, 1964. Eighteenth Annual Report
Anonymous1878February 6, 1878
J. Arditti, Elliott, J., Kitching, I. J., Wasserthal, L. T.2012'Good Heavens what insect can suck it' - Charles Darwin, Angraecum sesquipedale and Xanthopan morganii praedicta
M. Attié, Morel G.1997Capture de Coelonia solani (Boisduval, 1833) à l'île de la Réunion. Description de la chenille et de sa chrysalide (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
J. L. Austaut1912Lépidoptères asiatiques nouveaux
J. L. Austaut1911Lépidoptères asiatiques nouveaux
J. L. Austaut1907Nachricht über einen neuen Bastard und über zwei neue Aberrationen aus der Familie der Sphingiden
K. T. Awadallah, Tawfik, M. F. S., Shalaby, F. F.1980Insect fauna of the bind-weed, Convolvulus arvensis L., in Giza, Egypt
W. J. Baerg1935Three shade tree insects. II. Great elm leaf beetle, catalpa sphinx and eastern tent caterpillar
Y. Baillet, Guicherd, G., Maillard, D.2018Premier bilan de l'inventaire des Lépidoptères de la Réserve intégrale du Lauvitel dans le cadre de son ATBI (Isère, Parc national des Écrins) (Lepidoptera)
M. G. Balducci, Martins, D. J., Johnson, S. D.2019Pollination of the long-spurred African terrestrial orchid Bonatea steudneri by long-tongued hawkmoths, notably Xanthopan morganii
L. Baliteau2002Le Sphinx du troène: Sphinx ligustri (Lépidoptère Sphingidé)
L. Baliteau, Baliteau S.2011Lépidoptères de Santo Antão en République du Cap-Vert
A. Balkenius, Bisch-Knaden, S., Hansson, B. S.2009Interaction of visual and odour cues in the mushroom body of the hawkmoth Manduca sexta
H. A. Ballou1913Notes on insect pests in Antigua
L. K. Barnett, Emms, C. W., Holloway, J. D.1999The moths of the Chagos Archipelago with notes on their biogeography
T. Baron2014Collection records of Noctuoidea and Bombycoidea (Lepidoptera) from a location near Marmaris in south-western Anatolia, Turkey
B. Barrett2005Moths nabbed at airport
Wasserthal, L. T.1993Swing-hovering combined with long tongue in hawkmoths, an antipredator adaptation during flower visits. Pp. 77-87 in
I. Barton, Rosewarne K.2022Tobacco plant Nicotiana spp. planted to attract Convolvulus Hawk-moth, Agrius convolvuli (Linnaeus, 1758)
P. Basquin2021Redescription de Coelonia insularis de Madagascar. (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
P. Basquin2018Contribution a l'étude des Coelonia (R. & J.,1903) du continent africain et de Madagascar. (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
P. Basquin2017État de nos connaissances des Lépidoptères Hétérocères de São Tomé et Principe
P. Basquin1992Contribution à la connaissance des Sphinx de l'île de São Tomé (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae). Description d'une nouvelle espèce
L. G. Bassett, Burkholder, J. F., Forstner, M. R. J.2022Forestiera (Oleaceae) is a host plant of Manduca rustica (Sphingidae)
M. Bates1928Notes on the Cypress Sphinx (Isoparce cupressi)
J. Bebbington2010Larvae of the Death's-head Hawk-moth Acherontia atropos in Somerset
G. W. Beccaloni2017Wallace's moth and Darwin's orchid
C. F. C. Beeson, Chatterjee S. N.1940Possibilities of control of Lantana (Lantana aculeata Linn.) by indigineous insect pests
M. G. Belmonte2007Los Lepidoptera de la Sierra de Altaona y su entorno (Murcia, España) (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
F. G. C. Berg1883Miscellanea Lepidopterologica. Contribuciones al estudio de la fauna Argentina y países limítrofes


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith