Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
Y. Kishida1986{ITheretra clotho} (Drury) (Sphingidae) taken at southern end of Izu Peninsula
N. F. Johnson1990{ITelenomus} (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) egg parasites of {IErinnyis ello} (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
O. Mooser1947{ISphinx pitzahuac} n. sp. (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
M. C. Nielsen1977{ISphinx luscitiosa} (Sphingidae) feeding on decayed fish
C. W. Fox1901{ISphinx convolvuli} in the Isle of Wight
G. B. Longstaff1901{ISphinx convolvuli} in north Devon
W. G. Judge1901{ISphinx convolvuli} at Folkestone
Y. Kishida1987{ISphinx constricta} Butler, a distinct species to be separated from Eurasian {IS. ligustri} Linnaeus (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
M. Kameda1990{ISphinx constricta} Butler (Sphingidae) captured at Oshamanbe, Hokkaido
A. Hartmann1879{ISmerinthus tiliae} L. ab.: {Ipechmanni}
O. F. B. von Linstow1911{ISmerinthus tiliae} ab. {Iobsoleta}
Janzen, D. H.1983{IPseudosphinx tetrio} (Oruga Falso-Coral, Frangipani Sphinx). Pp. 764-765 in
C. Pratt1985{IProserpinus proserpina} Pall. (Lep.: Sphingidae) new to Britain
J. Pierre2011{IPhylloxiphia bainbridgei} (Rothschild & Jordan, 1906), bona species (Lep., Sphingidae)
B. Gehlen1924{IPholus translineatus} Rothsch. ♀
J. Zopp1952{IPholus hornbeckiana} Harris = {IPholus vitis} Linné (nec Drury)
M. M. Cary1952{IPhlegethontius caribbeus}. A new sphinx moth from Haiti, West Indies
W. Niepelt1908{IPergesa} ({IChaerocampa}) {Ielpenor} L. form. {IDaubi}, eine neue Sphingiden-Form
W. Niepelt1911{IPergesa} ({IChaerocampa} ab. {Idaubi}
R. Gschwandner1924{IPergesa elpenor} L. ab {IScheiderbaueri}, ab. nov
W. Niepelt1926{IPergesa elpenor} ab. {Ilugens} m n. ab
E. Hayashi2007{IPentas lancelta} [sic] Deflers. (Rubiaceae): a hostplant of {ITheretra oldenlandiae} (Fabricius) (Sphingidae) in the field
F. Hohl1977{IM.} Hybride {Ileoniae} Stndfs (Lep. Sphingidae)
H. Skinner1924{IKloneus babayaga} (Lepid.: Sphingidae)
V. B. Nikolaev, Plyushch I. G.1994{IKentrochrysalis elegans} (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) - the first record for the Ukraine
A. R. Pittaway1976{IHyles} ({ICelerio}) {Itithymali}
S. Beshkov1998{IHyles hippophaes} new for Bulgaria and {IEuxoa cos crimaea} new for the Balkan peninsula (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae, Noctuidae)
D. Righini, Bendazzi I.2000{IHyles hippophaes} (Esper, 1793) in Emilia-Romagna
L. G. Sartlet1975{IHyles gallii} Rott. Une question diorthographie et de priorité
H. Kobayashi1992{IHyles gallii} (Rottemburg) (Sphingidae) on the southern slope of Mt. Fuji
T. Mano2013{IHyles gallii} (Rottemberg), {ICatocala mirifica} Butler, {IAsidemia inexpecta} (Sugi), {IPseudalelimma miwai} Inoue collected from northern Mie Prefecture at the same time
V. Varis1977{IHistriosphinx} Varis, 1976, a junior objective synonym of {IDaphnis} Hübner, 1819 (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
V. Varis1976{IHistriosphinx} gen. n., a new genus for {ISphinx nerii} Linnaeus, 1758 (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
P. Howe2001{IHippotion celerio}: a belated southern record
Y. Kishida1992{IHippotion boerhaviae} (F.) and {IH. rosetta} (Swinhoe), both occurring the Ryukyus
von Frankenbusch1925{IHemaris} Aberr
W. Niesiolowski1924{IHemaris fuciformis} L. und {IHemaris tityus} L. Einige Worte die Nomenklature betreffend
J. Neid2006{IEndromis versicolora} (L., 1758) et {IHyles hippophaes} (Esper, 1785) en Franche-Comté (Lepidoptera Endromidae et Sphingidae)
M. Gillmer1918{IDilephila} oder {IDeilephila}
J. Hellins1870{IDeilephila galii} at Exeter
K. Konig1930{IDeilephila euphorbiae} L. ab.!
W. Fritsch1919{IDeilephila euphorbiae} ab. {Icuspidata} Rebel und {Iziczac} Fritsch
P. Fischer1882{IDarapsa versicolor}, Clem
J. Koch, Heinig S.1977{IDaphnis nerii} - ein Labortier? (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
K. Matsumoto1972{IDaphnis hypothous} Cramer captured in Shikoku (Sphingidae)
K. A. Efetov1986{ICephonodes hylas} (L.) on the territory of the USSR
G. Pfaff1931{ICelerio} hybr. {Ilivorneuphorbiae} John. ({ICel. livornica} ♂ x {ICel. euphorbiae} ♀.)
C. Oberthür1904{ICelerio vespertilio}, Esp., ab {Isalmonea}, Obthr. (pl. VI, fig. 57)
G. A. Babayan1965{ICelerio lineata} in Armenian vineyards
H. Stauder1921{ICelerio lineata livornica} Esp. subsp. nova {Isaharae} Stdr


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith