Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
B. Dvořák2018Raupen einer schwer bestimmbaren Art von Lintneria Butler 1876 aus Mexiko und eines weiteren Schwärmers aus dem Hochland Ecuadors (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
B. Dvořák2018Bemerkungen zur Verhaltensweise und Phänologie der Raupen von Pseudosphinx tetrio (Linnaeus, 1777) und verwandten Dilophonotini-Genera (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae): wer ahmt wen nach?
Y. Kishida, Akiba, T., Iimori, M., Kitajima, Y., Sakamoto, Y., Yano, T., Jinbo, U.2018List of moths collected at Asagiri-kogen, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka Prefecture in 2017, on insects fauna investigation which is to be outsourced from Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan
D. Fischer2018The moths of South Africa, part 1
G. W. C. Thomas, Dohmen, E., Hughes, D. S. T., Murali, S. C., Poelchau, M., Glastad, K., Anstead, C. A., Ayoub, N. A., Batterham, P., Bellair, M., Binford, G. J., Chao, H., Chen, Y. H., Childers, C., Dinh, H., Doddapaneni, H. V., Duan, J. J., Dugan, S., Esposito, L. A., Friedrich, M., Garb, J., Gasser, R. B., Gundersen-Rindal, D. E., Han, Y., Handler, A. M., Hatakeyama, M., Hering, L., Hunter, W. B., Ioannidis, P., Jayaseelan, J. C., Kalra, D., Khila, A., Korhonen, P. K., Lee, C. E., Li, Y., Lindsey, A. R. I., Mayer, G., McGregor, A. P., McKenna, D. D., Misof, B., Munidasa, M., Munoz-Torres, M., Muzny, D. M., Niehuis, O., Osuji-Lacy, N., Palli, S. R., Panfilio, K. A., Pechmann, M., Perry, T., Peters, R. S., Poynton, H. C., Prpic, N. - M., Qu, J., Rotenberg, D., Schal, C., Schoville, S. D., Scully, E. D., Skinner, E., Sloan, D. B., Stouthamer, R., Strand, M. R., Szucsich, N. U., Wijeratne, A., Young, N. D., Zattara, E. E., Benoit, J. B., Zdobnov, E. M., Pfrender, M. E., Hackett, K. J., Werren, J. H., Worley, K. C., Gibbs, R. A., Chipman, A. D., Waterhouse, R. M., Bornberg-Bauer, E., Hahn, M. W., Richards, S.2018The genomic basis of arthropod diversity
E. Marabuto2018Butterfly and moth diversity in Serpa (Baixo Alentejo, Portugal): an advance in a yet poorly surveyed region (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
B. Dvořák2018A tentative list of known hostplant records for Manduca rustica (Fabricius, 1775) with comments (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
U. Eitschberger2018Beitrag zur Gattungsanalyse von Afrogramma Eitschberger & Melichar, 2016 (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
T. Melichar, Haxaire, J., Řezáč, M., Manjunatha, H. B.2018A field guide to hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) of the state of Karnataka, India
J. S. Gómez2018Contribució al coneixement dels macroheteròcers de la comarca de l'Alt Camp (Lepidoptera: Macroheterocera)
Y. Baillet, Guicherd, G., Maillard, D.2018Premier bilan de l'inventaire des Lépidoptères de la Réserve intégrale du Lauvitel dans le cadre de son ATBI (Isère, Parc national des Écrins) (Lepidoptera)
S. Korb2018Automatic autonomous light traps and their usage for the quantitative accounting on example of hawkmoths of Kyrgyzstan (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
P. Basquin2018Contribution a l'étude des Coelonia (R. & J.,1903) du continent africain et de Madagascar. (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
P. Mathew, Anand, S., Sivasankaran, K., Ignacimuthu, S.2018The moths (Lepidoptera: Heterocera) of vagamon hills (Western Ghats), Idukki district, Kerala, India
M. Kemal, Koçak A. O.2018Annotated list of the moth fauna of Anamur district (İçel Prov., South Turkey), with descriptions of new species (Lepidoptera)
D. Moskowitz2018Hunting caterpillars with a UV flashlght -- part 2
A. J. Mongue, Walters J. R.2018The Z chromosome is enriched for sperm proteins in two divergent species of Lepidoptera
G. Iyer, Kitching I. J.2019A preliminary study of the hawkmoth diversity (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) of Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India
A. Macnaughton2019Noteworthy moth records for Ontario 2018
B. Dvořák2019Neue Details zu Phänologie und Nahrungspflanzen von Notonagemia analis gressitti (Clark, 1937) aus Taiwan (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
P. V. Küppers, Janikorn L.2019Zur Kenntnis einiger Raupenformen und Futterpflanzen thäilanduscher Schwärmer (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
L. Rezbanyai-Reser2019Die Nachtfalter von Roccamare, Toscana (Lepidoptera: «Macroheterocera»)
B. Dvořák2019Über des Ursprung der dorsalen Hinterleibs- und Hinterflügelfärbung der holarktischen Sphingidae am Beispiel der Gattung Sphinx Linnaeus 1758 (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
L. Prada-Lara, Correa-Carmona, Y., Clavijo-Giraldo, A., Vargas, S. A., A., D. - P.2019Lista anotada de Bombicoideos (Lepidoptera: Bombycoidea) del Parque Nacional Natural Utría, Chocó, Colombia
V. Krpač, Zeqiri, R., Kucinic, M., Abdija, X., Beadini, N., Krpač, M., Darcemont, C., Lemonnier–Darcemont, M., Krsteska, V., Lazarevska, S., Černila, M.2019Contribution to the fauna of the hawk moth family (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) in the Republic of North Macedonia.
M. Kemal, Kızıldağ, S., Koçak, A. O.2019Further notes on the Heterocera (Lepidoptera) of the Philippines, with a description of a new species
M. Kemal, Kızıldağ, S., Koçak, A. O.2019Annotated list of the Heterocera (Lepidoptera) of Mount Pulaq (Luzon Island, Philippines)
M. Kemal, Koçak A. O.2019On the Heterocera fauna of Lower Aras Valley in NE Turkey (Lepidoptera)
S. D. Johnson, Balducci, M. G., Bijl, A., Castañeda-Zárate, M., Cozien, R. J., Ortmann, C. R., van der Niet, T.2019From dusk till dawn: camera traps reveal the diel patterns of flower feeding by hawkmoths
M. G. Balducci, Martins, D. J., Johnson, S. D.2019Pollination of the long-spurred African terrestrial orchid Bonatea steudneri by long-tongued hawkmoths, notably Xanthopan morganii
J. Haxaire2019Sur la présence surprenante de Sphinx pinastri (Linnaeus, 1758) en Corse (Lepidoptera Sphingidae, Sphinginae)
U. Eitschberger, Ihle T.2019Raupen von Schwärmern aus Laos und Thailand - 4. Beitrag (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
S. P. Clancy2019The immigration of Lepidoptera to the British Isles in 2015
V. V. Zolotuhin, Yevdoshenko S. I.2019Hawk moths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) of Russia and adjacent territories
M. Pippel, Jebb, D., Patzold, F., Winkler, S., Vogel, H., Myers, G., Hiller, M., Hundsdoerfer, A. K.2020A highly contiguous genome assembly of the bat hawkmoth Hyles vespertilio (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
M. S. Moulds, Tuttle, J. P., Lane, D. A.2020Hawkmoths of Australia: identification, biology and distribution
J. Haxaire, Melichar T.2020A new species of the genus Pentateucha Swinhoe, 1908 (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae, Sphinginae, Pentateuchini) from Northeast India
T. Melichar, Řezáč, M., Hodeček, J.2020Notes on the taxonomy of the genus Praedora Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae, Sphinginae, Sphingini), with descriptions of five new subspecies
A. Gershman, Romer, T. G., Fan, Y., Razaghi, R., Smith, W. A., Timp, W.2020De novo genome assembly of the Tobacco Hornworm moth ( Manduca sexta)
E. Seven2020A survey on sphingidae (lepidoptera) species of south eastern Turkey with new distributional records
R. V. Yakovlev, Volgin I.2020New finding of Convolvulus Hawkmoth − Agrius convolvuli (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) in the south of Western Siberia
D. Ferrer, Gomariz, G., Núñez_Bustos, E., Isola, P.2020Observaciones de Lepidópteros en cinco áreas protegidas de la región andina de la provincia de Mendoza, Argentina
C. Țugulea, Țugulea A.2020Contributions to knowledge of the fauna of hawk-moths (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) from the Republic of Moldova
H. G. Marco, Šimek, P., Gäde, G.2020Unique members of the adipokinetic hormone family in butterflies and moths (Insecta, Lepidoptera)
S. A. Knyazev, Makhov, I. A., Matov, A. Y., Yakovlev, R. V.2020Check-list of Macroheterocera (Insecta, Lepidoptera) collected in 2019 in Mongolia by Russian entomological expeditions
M. Kemal, Koçak A. O.2020Annotated list of the Heterocera (Lepidoptera) of Anamur district (İçel Province, South Turkey) with description of a new species
J. Haxaire, Mielke C. G. C.2020A revised and annotated checklist of the Brazilian Sphingidae with new records, taxonomical notes, and description of one new species (Lepidoptera Sphingidae)
B. Dvořák2020Die Raupe einer Euryglottis (Boisduval, 1875) aus dem Naturpark Farallones de Cali in Kolumbien (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
B. Dvořák2020Raupenfutterpflanzen und Phänologie von Meganoton nyctiphanes (Walker, 1856) anhand einiger rezenter Funde (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
B. Dvořák2020Ein isophänologisches Merkmal zwischen Coelonia Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 und Panogena Rothschild & Jordan, 1903; zum Rätsel von Coelonia solani (Boisduval, 1833) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith