Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort ascendingYearTitle
Y. Wu, Naumann S.2006The preimaginal instars of Actias chapae (Mell, 1950) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
S. Wu, Fu, C. - M., Tzuoo, H. - R., L.-C., S., Chang, W. - C., Lin, H. - H.2020An annotated checklist of macro moths in mid- to high-mountain ranges of Taiwan (Lepidoptera: Macroheterocera)
S. Wu, Chang W. - C.2016Andraca yauichui sp. n., a new species endemic to mid elevation forests of Taiwan (Bombycidae sensu lato, Lepidoptera)
Bao, X. M., Xu Y. H.1995Lepidoptera: Sphingidae. pp. 347-350 in
L. L. Wu1977A survey of the injurious insects of grape-vine in Taiwan
Q. S. Wu1999Studies on the bionomics of Hoenimnema roesleri Lajonquière and its control
V. Y. Wu2017The marvellous moths of China
B. C. Worth, Muller J.1979Captures of large moths by an ultraviolet light trap
C. G. M. de Worms1975A review of the immigration of Hyles gallii Rott. during 1973 with special reference to records from 1972 and 1974
W. Wood1839Index entomologicus; or, a complete illustrated catalogue, consisting of 1944 figures, of lepidopterous insects of Great Britain
W. C. Wood1907The female of {IProtambulix} [sic] {Icarteri} R.&J
W. C. Wood1915The Cuban variety of Protoparce rustica Fabricius (Lep.)
K. Wolter1912Ein neue Sphingiden-Bastard
A. F. R. Wollaston1908From Ruwenzori to the Congo. A naturalist's journey across Africa
K. L. Wolfe, Pescador A.1994Caio richardsoni: its immature stages and natural history (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae: Arsenurinae)
K. L. Wolfe, Lemaire, C., Amarillo-S., A. R., Conlan, C. A.2003A contribution to the systematics of the Copaxa semioculata species-group (Saturniidae), with notes on the early stages, and a description of Copaxa lunula, new species
K. L. Wolfe, Balcázar-Lara M. A.1994Chile's Cercophana venusta and its immature stages (Lepidoptera: Cercophanidae)
K. L. Wolfe, Herbin D.2002A new Citheronia from Bolivia and its immature stages (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae, Ceratocampinae)
K. L. Wolfe, Conlan C. A.2002A new Copaxa from Ecuador and its immature stages (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae, Saturniinae)
K. L. Wolfe, Bénéluz F.1997Copiopteryx jehovah and its immature stages (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae: Arsenurinae)
K. L. Wolfe, Bonilla, D., Ramírez, L. D., Decaëns, T.2003Rediscovery of Copaxa sapatoza and revealing of its immature stages (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae, Saturniinae)
K. L. Wolfe1988Hylesia acuta (Saturniidae) and its aggregate larval and pupal pouch
K. L. Wolfe1994A new Paradirphia from Central America (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae: Hemileucinae)
K. L. Wolfe2003A new Dirphiopsis from Bolivia, with larval comparisons of the genus (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae, Hemileucinae)
H. Wolda1980Fluctuationes estacionales de insectos en el trópico: Sphingidae
G. N. Wolcott1924"Insectae Portoricensis." A preliminary annotated check-list of the insects of Porto Rico, with descriptions of some new species
G. N. Wolcott1951The insects of Puerto Rico
R. J. Wojtusiak, Niesiolowski W.1947Lepidoptera of the central Caucasus, collected during the Polish Alpine Expedition in 1935, with ecological and zoological remarks. I. Part. Macrolepidoptera
E. Wladasch1924Zwei sehr auffallend gefärbte und gezeichnete Falter von Celerio euphorbiae ♂ L. (Lep., Sphing.)
E. Wladasch1929Sechs sehr auffallend gefärbte und gezeichnete Falter von Celerio euphorbiae ♂ ♀ L. Lep., Sphing
E. Wladasch1931Zwei neue Sphingiden-Formen. Cel. euphorbiae f. cleopatra ♀ m. Cel. euphorbiae f. multicolor ♀ m.
E. Wladasch1931Auffallend aberrativ gezeichnete und gefärbte Raupen von Celerio euphorbiae L.
E. Wladasch1934Über eine F.1 Aufzucht des Wolfsmilchschwärmers {ICelerio euphorbiae} ♂ mit beginnend verlöschendem distalem Costalfleck auf den Vorderflügeln: {ICelerio euphorbiae} f. {Icostimaculata} ♀ Schultz soqie daraus erzielten Faltern
E. Wladasch1934Auffallend aberrativ gezeichnete und gefärbte Falter von Celerio galii [sic] Rott. und euphorbiae L. ♂ ♀
E. Wladasch1939Eine neue atavitische Rückschlagsform von Celerio euphorbiae im Vergleich mit C. dahlii, C. tithymali und Cel. hybr. pauli und den dunklen Formen von Celerio euphorbiae L
E. Wladasch1940Eine neue {Iziczac}-Kombinationsform von {ICelerio euphorbiae} L
E. Wladasch1941Zwei neue Minus-Kombinationsformen von Celerio euphorbiae L. im Vergleich mit C. euphorbiae f. helioscopiae Selys und C. euphorbiae f. krombachi Closs
K. F. Wize1917Motyle okolic Jezewa. Przyczynek do fauny wielkopolskiej
K. F. Wize1922Dopelnienie spisu motyli z Jezewa
H. Wittstadt1953Der Hybrid {ICel. lineata livornica} ♂ x {IPerg. elpenor} ♀ = {Ilivopenor} Müller
T. J. Witt2006Eine neue Dalailama Staudinger, 1896 - Art (Lepidoptera, Bombycidae) aus China
L. Wirooks, Theissen B.1998Neue Erkenntnisse zur Nahrungsökologie und Phänologie von Makrolepidopterenraupen - eine Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse langjähriger Raupensuche unter besonderer Bercksichtigung ihrer Nahrungspflanzen und ihrer Phänologie
R. A. Winz, Baldwin I. T.2001Molecular interactions between ... Manduca sexta (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) and its natural host Nicotiana attenuata. IV. Insect-induced ethylene reduces jasmonate-induced nicotine accumulation by regulating putrescine N-methyltransferase transcripts
A. F. Winn1912A preliminary list of the insects of the province of Quebec. Part I - Lepidoptera
M. Wink, Theile V.2002Alkaloid tolerance in Manduca sexta and phylogenetically related sphingids (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
J. A. Winder1976Ecology and control of Erinnyis ello and E. alope, important insect pests in the New World
E. P. Wiltshire, Legrain A.1997Bufoidia n. gen. (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), its Arabian taxa, and their affinity to other moths of the family Lasiocampidae
E. P. Wiltshire1944The butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera) of Iraq. Their distribution, phenology, ecology and importance
E. P. Wiltshire1948The Lepidoptera of the Kingdom of Egypt. Part I
E. P. Wiltshire1949The Lepidoptera of the Kingdom of Egypt. Part II


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith