Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
F. V. Ponce, Breinholt, J. W., Hossie, T., Barber, J. R., Janzen, D. H., Hallwachs, W., Kawahara, A. Y.2015A molecular phylogeny of Eumorpha (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) and the evolution of anti-predator larval eyespots
D. N. Karger, Abrahamczyk, S., Kessler, M.2013Abundance and species richness of hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) in the fragmented landscape of Santa Cruz (Bolivia)
T. J. Hossie, Sherratt, T. N., Janzen, D. H., Hallwachs, W.2013An eyespot that "blinks": an open and shut case of eye mimicry in Eumorpha caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
B. E. Young, Auer, S., Ormes, M., Rapacciuolo, G., Schweitzer, D., Sears, N.2017Are pollinating hawkmoths declining in the northeastern United States? An analysis of collection records
U. Eitschberger, Schmidl J.2012Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Schwärmerfauna von Französisch Guyana (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
J. D'Aguilar1966Catalogue raisonné des insectes des Antilles Françaises, 1. Lépidoptères: Sphingidae
F. Chalumeau, Delplanque A.1974Catalogue raisonné des Sphingidae des Antilles Françaises
F. Chalumeau, Delplanque A.1974Catalogue raisonné des Sphingidae des Antilles Françaises (suite et fin)
E. Núñez_Bustos2015Catálogo revisado y actualizado de Sphingidae de Argentina, con seis nuevos registros (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
T. M. A. Lima, Sena, J. D. N., Câmara, J. T., Teston, J. A.2023Complexes of species of Eumorpha Hübner [1807] (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) from the Maranhão State, Brazil
J. Haxaire2015Description de deux nouveaux Sphingidae du genre Eumorpha Hübner, [1807]
L. W. Rothschild1895Descriptions of new Sphingidae in the collection of Dr Otto Staudinger
K. Kernbach1962Die Schwärmer einiger Galapagos-Inseln (Lep. Sphingidae)
M. M. Cary1951Distribution of Sphingidae (Lepidoptera: Heterocera) in the Antillean-Caribbean region
J. Rodríguez-Ramírez, Núñez_Bustos E.2017Dos nuevos registros de Sphingidae (Lepidoptera: Bombycoidea) de Salta, con nuevos aportes de distribución de nueve especies en la Argentina
F. Piñas_Rubio2001El Género Eacles (Hübner, 1819) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae: Ceratocampinae), en Ecuador
F. Piñas_Rubio, Guevara D.2001El Género Eumorpha Hübner, 1806 (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae: macroglossinae), en Ecuador
F. Piñas_Rubio2001El Género Oxytenis (Hübner, 1819) (Lepidoptera: Oxytenidae), en Ecuador
K. Kernbach1965Ergänzungen zur Kenntnis einiger Schwärmer (I) (Lep. Sphingidae)
L. Simon2003Eumorpha fasciata, the Banded Sphinx
C. Reinwald, Bauder, J. A. - S., Karolyi, F., Neulinger, M., Jaros, S., Metscher, B., Krenn, H. W.2022Evolutionary functional morphology of the proboscis and feeding apparatus of hawk moths (Sphingidae: Lepidoptera)
L. S. Fink1995Foodplant effects on colour morphs of Eumorpha fasciata caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
A. Brasovs, Palaoro, A. V., Aprelev, P., Beard, C. E., Adler, P. H., Kornev, K. G.2023Haemolymph viscosity in hawkmoths and its implications for hovering flight
D. P. Gregory1963Hawkmoth pollination in the genus Oenothera
D. P. Gregory1963Hawkmoth pollination in the genus Oenothera
L. A. Durden2004January, 2004 Cover Photograph
J. E. Sanders1882Larvae of Sphingidae
K. J. Hayward1929Larval descriptions from the Argentine
J. Haxaire1993Le genre Eumorpha Hübner [1807] en Guyane Française (Lepidoptera Sphingidae)
M. A. Diaz_Batres, Balcázar-Lara M. A.1998Lepidópteros de la Reserva de la Biosfera "La Michilia", Durango, Mexico. Familias: Sphingidae y Saturniidae (Lepidoptera)
J. Haxaire2016Les Lépidoptères Sphingidae de République Dominicaine. Liste actualisée et description de deux nouvelles espèces. (Lepidoptera Sphingidae)
L. W. Rothschild, Jordan K.1910List of the Sphingidae collected by the late W. Hoffmanns at Allianca, Rio Madeira, Amazonas
B. Yake2020Motmot versus Sphinx Moth
A. Closs1917Neue Formen aus der Familie der Sphingidae
F. Daniel1949Neue Sphingidae Südamerikas (Lep. Het.)
B. Gehlen1926Neue Sphingiden
A. Closs1911Neue Sphingiden-Formen in meiner Sammlung
B. P. Clark1917New Sphingidae
L. W. Rothschild, Jordan K.1906New Sphingidae
V. A. Brou_Jr1980New status for Eumorpha intermedia (Sphingidae)
A. R. Grote1865Notes on Cuban Sphingidae
C. H. Fernald1884Notes on Sphingidae captured at Orono, Maine and vicinity
G. Lamas, Medina M.1991On some Sphingidae and Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) collected offshore Piura, northern Peru
I. I. Ignatov, Janovec, J. P., Centeno, P., Tobler, M. W., Grados, J., Lamas, G., Kitching, I. J.2011Patterns of richness, composition, and distribution of sphingid moths along an elevational gradient in the Andes-Amazon region of southeastern Peru
E. A. Smyth_Jr1901Philampelus elisa (n. sp.). Description of a new species of Philampelus from Mexico
M. Pedron, Buzatto, C. R., Singer, R. B., Batista, J. A. N., Moser, A.2012Pollination biology of four sympatric species of Habenaria (Orchidaceae: Orchidinae) from southern Brazil
R. E. Ureta, Donoso R. B.1956Revisión de la familia Sphingidae (Lep. Het.) en Chile
V. A. Brou_Jr, Brou C. D.2011Second addendum to the Sphingidae of Louisiana
W. R. F. de Camargo, de Camargo, N. F., Corrêa, D. _do_C. V., de Camargo, A. J. A., Diniz, I. R.2015Sexual dimorphism and allometric effects associated with the wing shape of seven moth species of Sphingidae (Lepidoptera: Bombycoidea)
M. P. M. Vanhove, Jocque, M., Mann, D. J., Waters, S., Creedy, T. J., Nuñez-Miño, J. M., Vaglia, T., Casteels, J.2012Small sample, substantial contribution: additions to the Honduran hawkmoth (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) fauna based on collections from a mountainous protected area (Cusuco National Park)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith