Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
S. Dararun, Bumroongsook, S., Tigvattananont, S.2017Color attraction of the crepuscular hawk moth (Nephele hespera) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
S. D. Johnson, Balducci, M. G., Bijl, A., Castañeda-Zárate, M., Cozien, R. J., Ortmann, C. R., van der Niet, T.2019From dusk till dawn: camera traps reveal the diel patterns of flower feeding by hawkmoths
S. D. Johnson, Raguso R. A.2016The long-tongued hawkmoth pollinator niche for native and invasive plants in Africa
P. Jordano2016Natural history matters: how biological constraints shape diversified interactions in pollination networks
W. E. Miller1997Diversity and evolution of tongue length in hawkmoths (Sphingidae)
J. Minet, Basquin, P., Haxaire, J., Lees, D. C., Rougerie, R.2021A new taxonomic status for Darwin's "predicted" pollinator: Xanthopan praedicta stat. nov. (Lepidoptera Sphingidae Sphinginae)
M. Moré, Amorim, F. W., Benitez-Vieyra, S., Medina, A. M., Sazima, M., Cocucci, A. A.2012Armament imbalances: match and mismatch in plant-pollinator traits of highly specialized long-spurred orchids
M. Moré, Sérsic, A. N., Cocucci, A. A.2006Specialized use of pollen vectors by Caesalpinia gilliesii, a legume species with brush-type flowers
O. Cruz-Neto, Machado, I. C., Duarte-Jr, J. A., Lopez, A. V.2011Synchronous phenology of hawkmoths (Sphingidae) and Inga species (Fabacaeae-Mimosoideae): implications for the restoration of the Atlantic forest of northeastern Brazil
C. Netz, Renner S. S.2017Long-spurred Angraecum orchids and long-tongued sphingid moths on Madagascar: a time frame for Darwin’s predicted Xanthopan/Angraecum coevolution
F. D. Sazatornil, Moré, M., Benitez-Vieyra, S., Cocucci, A. A., Kitching, I. J., Schlumpberger, B. O., Oliveira, P. E., Sazima, M., Amorim, F. W.2016Beyond neutral and forbidden links: morphological matches and the assembly of mutualistic hawkmoth-plant networks
E. Staller2013Long-spurred orchids and their pollinators - an investigation into multiple hypotheses to explain some of Darwin's contrivances
L. T. Wasserthal2015Angraecum-Orchideen und langrüsslige Schwärmer, Bestäubung und Evolution
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith