Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
R. Agenjo1974Localización en Santander del aclimatado arbusto brasileño Araujoia sericifera Brot., asclepiad cea en cyyas fisuras fenestriformes florales quedan apresados los lepidópteros por la espiritrompa cuando acuden a libar
L. F. A. Alves, Brancalhâo, R. M. C., Santana, D. L. Q.2001Ocorrência de baculovirus em lagartas de Perigonia lusca (Fabr.) (Lep., Sphingidae) no Brasil
F. W. Amorim2020Are the New World hummingbird-hawkmoths functional equivalents of hummingbirds?
F. W. Amorim, Jr, R. Sde Avila, de Camargo, A. J. A., Vieira, A. L., Oliveira, P. E.2009A hawkmoth crossroads? Species richness, seasonality and biogeographical affinities of Sphingidae in a Brazilian Cerrado
F. W. Amorim, Marino, S., Sanz-Veiga, P. A., Ollerton, J., Oliveira, P. E.2022Short flowers for long tongues: functional specialization in a nocturnal pollination network of an asclepiad in long-tongued hawkmoths
T. Ando, Nomura, M., Tsukahara, J., Watanabe, H., Kokobun, H., Tsukamoto, T., Hashimoto, G., Marchesi, E., Kitching, I. J.2001Reproductive isolation in a native population of {IPetunia sensu} Jussieu (Solanaceae)
R. J. Arleu, Furtado, M. J., Fanton, C. J.1986Population fluctuation in Erinnyis ello (L., 1758) on cassava, in the municipality of Linhares, Espírito Santo
J. A. M. Bastos1981Attack by the cassava hawkmoth, Erinnyis ello (Linnaeus, 1758) in a plantation of Ceará rubber, Manihot glaziovii Muell. Arg.
V. O. Becker2022The identity of Automeris ophthalmica Moore, 1883 (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae, Hemileucinae)
V. O. Becker2022Notes on the identity of Phalaena Attacus cassandra Cramer, [1779] (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae, Arsenurinae)
V. O. Becker2001A new Nyceryx Boisduval (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) from central Brazil
V. O. Becker, de Camargo A. J. A.2001Three new species of Saturniidae (Lepidoptera) from central Brazil
E. C. Bergmann, de Faria, A. M., Fernandes, S. C. S., Perazzolo, M. L., de_Mendonça, N. T.1990Lepidoptera associated with rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) in Ibitinga, SP
E. C. Bergmann, Michalany, J. G., Melussi, O., Bitran, E. A.1983Observations on the occurrence of damage caused by Erinnyis ello (L., 1758) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) in rubber plantations in the Ribeira Valley
M. Boulard1979Missions entomologiques en Guyane et au Brésil. Introduction, notes de chasses et principaux résultats
L. Braga, Diniz I. R.2018Can Saturniidae moths be bioindicators? Spatial and temporal distribution in the Brazilian savannah
R. Brechlin2022Sechs neue Taxa der Gattung Eacles Hübner, [1819] ("1816") (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
R. Brechlin2021Drei neue Arten der Gattung Xylophanes Hübner, [1819] (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
R. Brechlin2021Vier neue Arten der Gattung Dirphia Hübner, [1819] („1816“) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
R. Brechlin2020Zwei neue Arten nahe Adeloneivaia catoxantha (Rothschild, 1907) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
R. Brechlin2019Vierzehn neue Arten der Gattung Hyperchiria Hübner, 1819 ("1816") (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
R. Brechlin2019Zwei neue Arten der Gattung Kentroleuca Draudt, 1929 (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
R. Brechlin2017Drei neue Arten der Gattung Ptiloscola Michener, 1949 (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
R. Brechlin2015Eine neue Art der Gattung Dirphiopsis Bouvier, 1928 aus Brasilien (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
R. Brechlin, Meister F.2022Sieben neue Arten der Gattung Automeris Hübner, 1819 [1816] (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
R. Brechlin, Meister, F., Kach, H., van Schayck, E.2019Einige Anmerkungen zur Gattung Periphoba Hübner, [1820] mit Beschreibungen von neunzehn neuen Arten (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
R. Brechlin, Meister, F., Kach, H., van Schayck, E.2019Einige Anmerkungen zur Gattung Citheronia Hübner, [1819] mit Beschreibungen von einundzwanzig neuen Arten (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
R. Brechlin, Meister, F., van Schayck, E.2015Zwei neue Arten der Gattung Lonomia Walker, 1855 (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
H. Burmeister1855Systematische Uebersicht der Sphingidae Brasiliens
A. Bächtold, Sena J. C.2018Erucism and population bursts of the moth Hylesia nigricans (Berg, 1875) (Saturniidae: Hemileucinae) in Brazil
J. - M. Cadiou1997A new sphingid from southern Brasil: Pachygonidia mielkei (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
L. W. Cardoso, Mielke, C. G. C., Duarte, M.2017Morphology of the egg and larva of a poorly known hawkmoth: Subsidies for a better understanding of the systematics of Ambulycini (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae, Smerinthinae)
L. W. Cardoso, Silva-Brandão, K. L., Duarte, M.2018Adhemarius eurysthenes (Felder, 1874) (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) in the Atlantic Rain Forest: A phylogeographic perspective
A. P. S. Carvalho, St Laurent, R. A., Romanowski, H. P.2021The Bombycoidea and Mimallonoidea (Lepidoptera) of a research station in the grasslands of Southern Brazil
B. P. Clark1932A review of some Sphingidae described by Dr. S. Matsumura
B. P. Clark1919Some undescribed Sphingidae
B. P. Clark1917New Sphingidae
B. P. Clark1916New American Sphingidae
B. Clemens1859Synopsis of North American Sphingidae
A. Closs1920Xylophanes reussi spec. nov.
E. Corseuil, Specht, A., Lang, C.2001Esfingideos (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) ocorrentes no Centro de Pesquisas e Conserva‡ao da Natureza Pro-Mata
R. F. d'Almeida1944Estudios biológicos sôbre alguns Lepidópteros do Brasil
R. F. d'Almeida1922Mélanges Lépidopterologiques. I. Études sur les Lépidoptères du Brésil
F. Daniel1949Neue Sphingidae Südamerikas (Lep. Het.)
R. O. Darrault, Schlindwein C.2005Limited fruit production in Hancornia speciosa (Apocynaceae) and pollination by nocturnal and diurnal insects
R. O. Darrault, Schlindwein C.2002Esfingídeos (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) no Tabuleiro Paraibano, nordeste do Brasil: abundância, riqueza e relaçâo com plantas esfingófilas
C. M. de Biezanko1948Sphingidae de Pelotas e seus arredores
A. J. A. de Camargo, de Camargo, N. F., Corrêa, D. _do_C. V., de Camargo, W. R. F., Vieira, E. M., Marini-Filho, O., Amorim, F. W.2016Diversity patterns and chronobiology of hawkmoths (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest
A. J. A. de Camargo, de Camargo, W. R. F., Viereia_Corrêa, D. _doC., Vilela, M. _deF., Amorim, F. W.2018Mariposas polinizadoras do cerrado : identificação, distribuição, importância e conservação. Família Sphingidae (Insecta - Lepidoptera)
J. M. de Abreu1982Investigations on the rubber leaf caterpillar Erinnyis ello in Bahia, Brazil


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith