Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
J. Bebbington2010Larvae of the Death's-head Hawk-moth Acherontia atropos in Somerset
T. Blaik2010Nowe dane i uwagi o moytlach wiekszych (Macrolepidoptera) rezerwatu "Bielenek"
R. Brechlin, Kitching I. J.2010Vier neue Arten der Gattung Psilogramma Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
J. V. Calhoun2010An overlooked 18th Century list of North American Lepidoptera
U. Eitschberger20105. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattung Psilogramma Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
U. Eitschberger2010Checkliste der Taxa des Genus Psilogramma Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 6. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattung (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
U. Eitschberger, Ihle T.2010Raupen von Schwärmern aus Laos und Thailand - 2. Beitrag (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
J. Haxaire, Melichar T.2010Description d'une nouvelle espèce du genre Kentrochrysalis Staudinger, 1887 de Chine centrale: Kentrochrysalis heberti sp. n. (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
J. Händel2010Sphingidae 2009
N. M. Kalberer, Reisenman, C. E., Hildebrand, J. G.2010Male moths bearing transplanted female antennae express characteristically female behaviour and central neural activity
P. V. Küppers, Janikorn L.2010Liste der von uns im Jahr 2009 in Khao Lak (Provinz Phang Nga, S-Thailand) beobachteten und/oder gezüchten Schwärmerarten (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
T. M. Leong, Tay A.2010Final instar caterpillar and metamorphosis of {IAcherontia styx medusa} Moore, 1858 in Singapore (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae: Sphinginae: Acherontiini)
R. Mazel2010Eine seltene Farbvariante der Raupe des Totenkopfschwärmers Acherontia atropos (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
G. E. R. J. Orhant, Wambeke S.2010Atlas des papillons denuit du Nord-Pas de Calais: lépidoptères, macrohétérocères
A. Patterson2010Addicted to tobacco hawk-mothing - is it good for your health?
O. Saito, Shirota C.2010On the abnormaly [sic] high female ratio of Death's-head Hawkmoth, {IAcherontia lachesis} (Fabricius) caputured [sic] in Chiba Prefecture
J. C. Theobald, Warrant, E. J., O'Carroll, D. C.2010Wide-field motion tuning in nocturnal hawkmoths
L. E. Valentine, Tuttle J. P.2010Notes on, and the taxonomic significance of, the immature stages of Lintneria justiciae Walker (Sphingidae) from southeastern Brazil
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith