Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
C. Allioni1766Manipulus insectorum taurinensium a Carolo Allionio editus
J. Beale2015Notes on the current status of butterflies in Blackheath and Greenwich Park
L. V. Bolshakov, Ismagilov N. N.2017Moths of Republic of Tatarstan. 2. Metaheterocera excluding Geometridae, Noctuidae (Lepidoptera)
Y. A. Derzhavets1984Review of the classification of the Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) with a list of the species of the USSR
Y. A. Derzhavets1984Review of the classification of the Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) with a list of the species of the USSR
H. Dreisig1997Why do some nectar foragers perch and others hover while probing flowers?
J. Détrée2009Contribution à la connaissance de la faune lépidoptérlogique d'un complexe d'habitats des substrats acides. Actualisation des données en forêt de Notre-Dame (Val-de-Marne) (Lepidoptera Rhopalocera et Heterocera)
M. Garre, Guerrero, J. J., Rubio, R. M., Ortiz, A. S.2015Revisión y actualización de los Macroheterocera (Insecta, Lepidoptera) del Parque Natural de la Serranía de Cuenca (península ibérica)
E. Guzmán2013Contribució al coneixement de la distribució dels macroheteròcers de la Garrotxa amb dades del quadrat UTM 31TDG67
A. K. Hundsdoerfer, Schell, T., Patzold, F., Wright, C. J., Yoshido, A., Marec, F., Danek, H., Winkler, S., Greve, C., Podsiadlowski, L., Hiller, M., Pippel, M.2023High‑quality haploid genomes corroborate 29 chromosomes and highly conserved synteny of genes in Hyles hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
A. S. Kaleka, Singh, D., Kaur, P.2015Genitalic studies of Hemaris fuciformis Linnaeus (Sphingidae: Lepidoptera) from India
E. S. Koshkin, Yevdoshenko S. I.2019Diversity and ecology of hawk moths of the genus Hemaris (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) of the Russian Far East
M. V. Kozlov, Kullberg, J., Zverev, V. E.2014Lepidoptera of Arkhangelsk oblast of Russia: a regional checklist
G. O. Krizek2002Sphingids in flight
G. O. Krizek1989Flying sphingid photos
Chistyakov, Y. A., Belyaev E. A.1984Sphingidae of the genus Hemaris Dalm. (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) of the Soviet Far East.
M. Martin2015La contribution de † Paul Vittemer à la connaissance des lépidoptères de Lorraine (Lepidoptera)
P. Pires, Corley M. F. V.2007The Lepidoptera of Baixo Mondego (Beira Litoral, Portugal) (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
A. N. Poltavsky2013Records of Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) from the Rostov-on-Don province, Russia
A. Richert2014Die Großschmetterlinge (Macrolepidoptera) der Diluviallandschaften um Eberswalde. Dritter Nachtrag mit einer Darstellung phänologischer Veränderungen im Zeitraum 1989-2013 und einer Betrachtung über die Ursachen
A. G. Tatarinov, Sedykh, K. F., Dolgin, M. M.2003Fauna of the European North-East of Russia. Metaheterocera (families Saturniidae, Endromidae, Lasiocampidae, Lemoniidae, Sphingidae, Drepanidae, Thyatiridae, Notodontidae, Lymantriidae, Nolidae, Arctiidae)
J. H. R. Thiele2015Biological notes on Hemaris fuciformis in southern France
A. Torralba-Burrial, Outomuro D.2011Primeras citas de Hemaris fuciformis (Linnaeus, 1758) para Asturias y de Hemaris tityus (Linnaeus, 1758) para León (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) (Norte de España)
R. V. Yakovlev, Doroshkin V. V.2005New data of Macrolepidoptera for the fauna of Mongolia. II (Insecta, Lepidoptera)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith