Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
J. Arditti, Elliott, J., Kitching, I. J., Wasserthal, L. T.2012'Good Heavens what insect can suck it' - Charles Darwin, Angraecum sesquipedale and Xanthopan morganii praedicta
D. A. Baum1995The comparative pollination and floral biology of baobabs ({IAdansonia} - Bombacaceae)
G. W. Beccaloni2017Wallace's moth and Darwin's orchid
P. Denso1944Einzeldarstellungen zu madagassischen Schmetterlingen
G. Kritsky1991Darwin's Madagascan hawk moth prediction
C. Micheneau, Johnson, S. D., Fay, M. F.2009Orchid pollination: from Darwin to the present day
J. Minet, Basquin, P., Haxaire, J., Lees, D. C., Rougerie, R.2021A new taxonomic status for Darwin's "predicted" pollinator: Xanthopan praedicta stat. nov. (Lepidoptera Sphingidae Sphinginae)
C. Netz, Renner S. S.2017Long-spurred Angraecum orchids and long-tongued sphingid moths on Madagascar: a time frame for Darwin’s predicted Xanthopan/Angraecum coevolution
L. A. Nilsson1998Deep flowers for long tongues
L. A. Nilsson, Jonsson, L., Ralison, L., Randrianjohany, E.1987Angraecoid orchids and hawkmoths in central Madagascar: specialized pollination systems and generalist foragers
L. A. Nilsson, Jonsson, L., Rason, L., Randrianjohany, E.1985Monophily and pollination mechanisms in Angraecum arachnites Schltr. (Orchidaceae) in a guild of long-tongued hawk-moths (Sphingidae) in Madagascar
L. A. Nilsson, Rabakonandrianina E.1988Hawk-moth scale analysis and pollination specialization in the epilithic Malagasy endemicAerangis ellisii (Reichenb. fil.) Schltr. (Orchidaceae)
L. Rajaovelona, Gardiner L.2016Angraecum longicalcar: saving a critically endangered orchid
L. van der Pijl, Dodson C. H.1966Orchid flowers: their pollination and evolution
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith