Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
E. M. Brantley, Jones, A. G., Hodson, A. M., Brown, J. W., Pogue, M. G., Suazo, M. M., Parmenter, R. R.2023Short-term effects of a high-severity summer wildfire on conifer forest moth (Lepidoptera) communities in New Mexico, USA
R. Brechlin2022Eine neue Art der Gattung Citheronioides Rothschild, 1907 aus Kolumbien (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
J. W. Breinholt, Kawahara A. Y.2013Phylotranscriptomics: saturated third codon positions radically influence the estimation of trees based on next-gen data
S. G. Brown, Boettner, G. H., Yack, J. E.2007Clicking caterpillars: acoustic aposematism in Antheraea polyphemus and other Bombycoidea
F. Bryk1953Lepidoptera aus dem Amazonasgebiete und aus Peru gesammelt von Dr. Douglas Melin und Dr. Abraham Roman
J. V. Calhoun2010An overlooked 18th Century list of North American Lepidoptera
B. Dvořák2018Bemerkungen zur Verhaltensweise und Phänologie der Raupen von Pseudosphinx tetrio (Linnaeus, 1777) und verwandten Dilophonotini-Genera (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae): wer ahmt wen nach?
D. Ferrer, Gomariz, G., Núñez_Bustos, E., Isola, P.2020Observaciones de Lepidópteros en cinco áreas protegidas de la región andina de la provincia de Mendoza, Argentina
P. Jörgensen1934Neue Schmetterlinge und Raupen aus Südamerika
L. Prada-Lara, Correa-Carmona, Y., Clavijo-Giraldo, A., Vargas, S. A., A., D. - P.2019Lista anotada de Bombicoideos (Lepidoptera: Bombycoidea) del Parque Nacional Natural Utría, Chocó, Colombia
C. V. Riley1869First annual report on the noxious, beneficial and other insects, of the state of Missouri, made to the State Board of Agriculture, pursuant to an appropriation for this purpose from the legislature of the state
W. Schaus1932New species of Sphingidae and Saturniidae in the U.S. National Museum
L. Simon2004A return to Ecuador
P. Smith2006Fauna Paraguay: Saturniidae - Emperor Moths
J. F. Zikán1928Beitrag zur Biologie von Orecta lycidas Boisd. und Chlaenogramma muscosa Jones
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith