Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
W. G. S. Aggrey1982Swaziland
H. S. Barlow1982An introduction to the moths of South East Asia
P. Basquin1982Un nouveau sphinx africain appartenant à un genre Indo-Malais: Sataspes galleyi sp. nov. (Lepidoptera Sphingidae)
C. R. Beutelspacher-Baigts1982Mariposas del suborden Heterocera (Lepidoptera) de "Cahauré", Chiapas, México (familias Ctenuchiidae, Dioptidae, Sphingidae y Saturniidae)
C. R. Beutelspacher-Baigts1982Lepidópteros de Chamela, Jalisco, México II. Familias Sphingidae y Saturniidae
H. F. Chu, Wang L. Y.1982Lepidoptera: Bombycidae, Saturnidae, Sphingidae, Drepanidae, Callidulidae
P. Darge1982Liste provisoire des Sphingides du Cameroun
J. M. de Abreu1982Investigations on the rubber leaf caterpillar Erinnyis ello in Bahia, Brazil
V. I. Degtyareva, Shchetkin Y. L.1982Biology and distribution of the little known {IHaemorrhagia ducalis} Stgr. (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
V. I. Degtyareva, Shchetkin Y. L.1982[First descriptions of the pre-imaginal phases of two species of Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) from Central Asia]
E. W. Diehl1982Die Sphingiden Sumatras
N. Grosser1982Zur Fauna der Bombyces und Sphinges der Mongolei (Insecta, Lepidoptera)
W. A. Haber, Frankie G. W.1982Pollination of {ILuehea} (Tiliaceae) in Costa Rican deciduous forest
H. Harbich1982Untitled
A. H. Hayes1982A new hawk moth from Sumatra (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
J. B. Heppner1982Dates of selected Lepidoptera literature for the western hemisphere fauna
D. S. Hill, Hore, P. M., Thornton, I. W. B.1982Insects of Hong Kong
J. D. Holloway1982On the Lepidoptera of the Cocos-Keeling Islands in the Indian Ocean, with a review of the Nagia linteola complex (Noctuidae)
Inoue, H.198265. Sphingidae. Pp. 317-322 in
Inoue, H.198265. Sphingidae.
C. W. Kim, Nam, S. H., Lee, S. M.1982Illustrated flora and fauna of Korea
Y. Kishida1982Notes on some moths from Taiwan (I)
L. Lee1982Die Schwärmer taiwans und ihre zoogeographische Stellung in Ostasien (Ins. Lepidopt. Sphingidae)
X. W. Meng1982A new species of Acosmeryx Boisduval from China (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
Fletcher, D. S., Nye I. W. B.1982Bombycoidea, Castnioidea, Cossoidea, Mimallonoidea, Sesioidea, Sphingoidea and Zygaenoidea
K. Okano1982The dates of publication of the volumes of Oberthuer's "Etudes d'Entomologie"
A. Patetta1982Problemi di patologia apicola vecchi e nuovi dell'Italia nord-occidentale. Pp. 219-225 in
A. Pelzer1982Zur Kenntnis der frühen Stände von Hyles centralasiae siehei (Püngeler) (Sphingidae)
A. R. Pittaway1982Notes on the subspecies and biology of Clarina kotschyi (Kollar, (1849)) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
A. R. Pittaway1982Hyles hippophaes hippophaes (Esper) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
A. G. Rowe1982Zimbabwe
R. Turrent_Diáz1982Observaciones sobre los Lepidópteros Heteroceros del Pedregal de Sant Angel, México D.F. Primera parte: familia Sphingidae
J. G. Palacios-Vargas, Llampallas, J., Hogue, C. L.1982Preliminary list of the insects and related terrestrial Arthropoda of Socorro Island, Islas Revillagigedo, Mexico
P. E. L. Viette1982Batocnema coquerelii anjouanensis n. subsp., Lepidoptera Sphingidae des Comores
A. M. Young1982Hindtibial defensive spurs in the neotropical sphinx moth {IAmplypterus gannascus}?
Dubatolov, V. V.1982On the species composition of hawkmoths (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) of the Soviet Far East
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith