Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
M. G. Balducci, Martins, D. J., Johnson, S. D.2019Pollination of the long-spurred African terrestrial orchid Bonatea steudneri by long-tongued hawkmoths, notably Xanthopan morganii
Wasserthal, L. T.1993Swing-hovering combined with long tongue in hawkmoths, an antipredator adaptation during flower visits. Pp. 77-87 in
U. Eitschberger2016Zur Kenntnis der Blütenbestäubung durch Agrius convolvuli (Linnaeus, 1758) auf Pantar, Kleine Sunda-Inseln (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
K. Fox, Anderson, K. M., Andres, R., Foster, M. C., Foster, C. E., Vik, D., Vitt, P., Harris, M. O.2015Nectar robbery and thievery in the hawk moth (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)-pollinated Western Prairie Fringed Orchid Platanthera praeclara
S. D. Johnson1995Observations of hawkmoth pollination in the South African orchid {IDisa cooperi}
S. D. Johnson, Balducci, M. G., Bijl, A., Castañeda-Zárate, M., Cozien, R. J., Ortmann, C. R., van der Niet, T.2019From dusk till dawn: camera traps reveal the diel patterns of flower feeding by hawkmoths
D. J. Martins, Johnson S. D.2007Hawkmoth pollination of aerangoid orchids in Kenya, with special reference to nectar sugar concentration gradients in the floral spurs
C. Micheneau, Johnson, S. D., Fay, M. F.2009Orchid pollination: from Darwin to the present day
L. A. Nilsson, Rabakonandrianina E.1988Hawk-moth scale analysis and pollination specialization in the epilithic Malagasy endemicAerangis ellisii (Reichenb. fil.) Schltr. (Orchidaceae)
R. B. Singer, Cocucci A. A.1997Eye attached hemipollinia in the hawkmoth and settling moth pollination of Habenaria (Orchidaceae): a study on functional morphology in 5 species from subtropical South America
L. T. Wasserthal1998Deep flowers for long tongues
L. T. Wasserthal1996Of hawkmoth species with long "tongues". Tropical biocenoses
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith