Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
J. Arditti, Elliott, J., Kitching, I. J., Wasserthal, L. T.2012'Good Heavens what insect can suck it' - Charles Darwin, Angraecum sesquipedale and Xanthopan morganii praedicta
M. G. Balducci, Martins, D. J., Johnson, S. D.2019Pollination of the long-spurred African terrestrial orchid Bonatea steudneri by long-tongued hawkmoths, notably Xanthopan morganii
J. Bebbington2013Greater Butterfly Orchid Platanthera chlorantha and lepidopteran pollinators
C. L. Borkowsky, Westwood A. R.2009Seed capsule production in the endangered western prairie fringed orchid (Platanthera praeclara) in relation to sphinx moth (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) activity
P. Denso1944Einzeldarstellungen zu madagassischen Schmetterlingen
U. Eitschberger2016Zur Kenntnis der Blütenbestäubung durch Agrius convolvuli (Linnaeus, 1758) auf Pantar, Kleine Sunda-Inseln (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
J. Farminhão, Savignac, M., Droissart, V., Lowry_II, P. P., Rajaonarivelo, N., Rajaonarivelo, B., Verlynde, S., Todivelo, A., Stévart, T.2024A new orchid species expands Darwin’s predicted pollination guild in Madagascar
K. Fox, Anderson, K. M., Andres, R., Foster, M. C., Foster, C. E., Vik, D., Vitt, P., Harris, M. O.2015Nectar robbery and thievery in the hawk moth (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)-pollinated Western Prairie Fringed Orchid Platanthera praeclara
S. D. Johnson1995Observations of hawkmoth pollination in the South African orchid {IDisa cooperi}
S. D. Johnson, Balducci, M. G., Bijl, A., Castañeda-Zárate, M., Cozien, R. J., Ortmann, C. R., van der Niet, T.2019From dusk till dawn: camera traps reveal the diel patterns of flower feeding by hawkmoths
G. Kritsky1991Darwin's Madagascan hawk moth prediction
R. Luyt, Johnson S. D.2001Hawkmoth pollination of the African epiphytic orchid {IMystacidium venosum}, with special reference to flower and pollen longevity
J. Maad2000Phenotypic selection in hawkmoth-pollinated Platanthera bifolia: targets and fitness surfaces
D. J. Martins, Johnson S. D.2007Hawkmoth pollination of aerangoid orchids in Kenya, with specieal reference to nectar sugar concentration gradients in the floral spurs
D. J. Martins, Johnson S. D.2007Hawkmoth pollination of aerangoid orchids in Kenya, with special reference to nectar sugar concentration gradients in the floral spurs
C. Micheneau, Johnson, S. D., Fay, M. F.2009Orchid pollination: from Darwin to the present day
J. Minet, Basquin, P., Haxaire, J., Lees, D. C., Rougerie, R.2021A new taxonomic status for Darwin's "predicted" pollinator: Xanthopan praedicta stat. nov. (Lepidoptera Sphingidae Sphinginae)
M. Moosburg, Hágsater, E., Ochse, M.2014Ökologische Zusammenhänge anhand von Sammlungsexemplaren erkennen: Adhemarius sexoculata Grote, 1867, als Bestäuber bei der Orchideengattung Epidendrum Linnaeus, 1753 (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
M. Moré, Amorim, F. W., Benitez-Vieyra, S., Medina, A. M., Sazima, M., Cocucci, A. A.2012Armament imbalances: match and mismatch in plant-pollinator traits of highly specialized long-spurred orchids
C. Netz, Renner S. S.2017Long-spurred Angraecum orchids and long-tongued sphingid moths on Madagascar: a time frame for Darwin’s predicted Xanthopan/Angraecum coevolution
L. A. Nilsson1998Deep flowers for long tongues
L. A. Nilsson1988The evolution of flowers with deep corolla tubes
L. A. Nilsson1983Processes of isolation and introgressive interplay between {IPlatanthera bifolia} (L.) Rich. and {IP. chlorantha} (Custer) Reichb. (Orhcidaceae)
L. A. Nilsson, Jonsson, L., Ralison, L., Randrianjohany, E.1987Angraecoid orchids and hawkmoths in central Madagascar: specialized pollination systems and generalist foragers
L. A. Nilsson, Jonsson, L., Rason, L., Randrianjohany, E.1985Monophily and pollination mechanisms in Angraecum arachnites Schltr. (Orchidaceae) in a guild of long-tongued hawk-moths (Sphingidae) in Madagascar
L. A. Nilsson, Rabakonandrianina E.1988Hawk-moth scale analysis and pollination specialization in the epilithic Malagasy endemicAerangis ellisii (Reichenb. fil.) Schltr. (Orchidaceae)
M. Pedron, Buzatto, C. R., Singer, R. B., Batista, J. A. N., Moser, A.2012Pollination biology of four sympatric species of Habenaria (Orchidaceae: Orchidinae) from southern Brazil
L. Rajaovelona, Gardiner L.2016Angraecum longicalcar: saving a critically endangered orchid
C. J. Sheviak, Bowles M. L.1986The prairie fringed orchids: a pollinator-isolated species pair
R. B. Singer, Cocucci A. A.1997Eye attached hemipollinia in the hawkmoth and settling moth pollination of Habenaria (Orchidaceae): a study on functional morphology in 5 species from subtropical South America
T. Swainbank, Swainbank A.2015Pollination of Platanthera orchids
Z. - B. Tao, Ren, Z. - X., Bernhardt, P., Wang, W. - J., Liang, H., Li, H. - D., Wang, H.2018Nocturnal hawkmoth and noctuid moth pollination of Habenaria limprichtii (Orchidaceae) in sub-alpine meadows of the Yulong Snow Mountain (Yunnan, China)
L. T. Wasserthal2015Angraecum-Orchideen und langrüsslige Schwärmer, Bestäubung und Evolution
L. T. Wasserthal1998Antipredator adaptations in long-tongued hawkmoths and sequential evolution of long-spurred Malagasy {IAngraecum} orchids [Abstract]
L. T. Wasserthal1998Deep flowers for long tongues
L. T. Wasserthal1997The pollinators of the Malagasy Star Orchids Angraecum sesquipedale, A. sororium and A. compactum and the evolution of extremely long spurs by pollinator shift
L. T. Wasserthal1996Of hawkmoth species with long "tongues". Tropical biocenoses
L. T. Wasserthal1994"Blütenspringen" und "Pendelschwirrflug" blütenbesuchender langrüssliger Schwärmer, Anpassungen zur Vermeidung von Lauerjägern
L. T. Wasserthal1994Von langrüsseligen Schwärmerarten Lebensgemeinschaften in den Tropen
A. R. Westwood, Borkowsky C. L.2004Sphinx moth pollinators for the endangered western prairie fringed orchid, Platanthera praeclara in Manitoba, Canada
Y. - Z. Xiong, Liu, C. - Q., Huang, S. - Q.2015Mast fruiting in a hawkmothpollinated orchid Habenaria glaucifolia: an 8-year survey
T. W. Yam, Arditti, J., Cameron, K. M.2009The orchids have been a splendid sport”—an alternative look at Charles Darwin's contribution to orchid biology
W. Zhang, Gao J.2017Multiple factors contribute to reproductive isolation between two co-existing Habenaria species (Orchidaceae)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith