Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
A. L. Stöckl, Ribi, W. A., Warrant, E. J.2016Adaptations for nocturnal and diurnal vision in the hawkmoth lamina
F. Suder, Wendler G.1993Organization of the thoracic ganglia of the adult sphinx moth {IManduca sexta} (Insecta, Lepidoptera)
J. C. Theobald, Warrant, E. J., O'Carroll, D. C.2010Wide-field motion tuning in nocturnal hawkmoths
C. C. Voigt, Winter Y.1999Energetic cost of hovering flight in nectar-feeding bats (Phyllotomidae: Glossophaginae) and its scaling in moths, birds and bats
G. Wannenmacher, Wasserthal L. T.2003Contribution of the maxillary muscles to proboscis movement in hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)—an electrophysiological study
E. Warrant, Bartsch, K., Günther, C.1999Physiological optics in the hummingbird hawkmoth: a compound eye without ommatidia
L. T. Wasserthal2001Flight-motor-driven respiratory air flow in the hawkmoth Manduca sexta
A. P. Willmott, Ellington C. P.1997The mechanics of flight in the hawkmoth {IManduca sexta}. 1. Kinematics of hovering and forward flight
A. P. Willmott, Ellington C. P.1997The mechanics of flight in the hawkmoth {IManduca sexta}. 2. Aerodynamic consequences of kinematic and morphological variation
R. T. Yamamoto, Fraenkel G.1960Assay of the principal gustatory stimulant for the Tobacco Hornworm, {IProtoparce sexta}, from solanaceous plants
R. T. Yamamoto, Fraenkel G. S.1960Assay of the principal gustatory stimulant for the tobacco hornworm, Protoparce sexta, from solanaceous plants
C. C. Yeh1985Studies on life history and larval colour change in {ITheretra pinastrina pinastrina} Martyn (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith