Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
H. Stauder1930Celerio euphorbiae L. dolomiticola Stauder, nova subspecies (Lep.)
K. J. Hayward1931Contributions to the lepidopterology of the Argentine. I
A. Schultze1931Die ersten Stände von zwei Heteroceren aus Aequatorial-Afrika
A. M. Gerasimov, Gerasimova F. N.1932A note on the species harmful to kendyr in the region of Khoresm
G. Warnecke1932Über die Anpassung der Raupe von Sphinx ligustri L. an fremländische Futterpflanzen
E. Ronna1933Catalogo dos insétos até hoje encontrados nas plantas do Rio Grande do Sul
F. B. Scott1933Notes on the foodplants of Indian hawkmoths
F. Hoffmann1933Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte brasilianischer Schmetterlinge
O. Monte1934Relação dos lepidopteros que vivem em plantas conhecidas
F. Rupp1934Vom Tisch der Entomologen und Botaniker zu Köln
E. Ronna1934Catalogo dos insétos até hoje encontrados nas plantas do Rio Grande do Sul (continuaçâo)
P. Jörgensen1934Neue Schmetterlinge und Raupen aus Südamerika
M. - S. Chen1934Observations on one generation of the wild silk worm (Samia cynthia pryeri)
J. F. Zikán1934Drei neue Lepidopteren aus Brasilien
F. Hoffmann1934Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte brasilianischer Schmetterlinge
J. A. Comstock, Dammers C. M.1935Notes on the early stages of three butterflies and five moths from California
J. A. Comstock, Dammers C. M.1935Notes on the early stages of three butterflies and six moths from California
H. I. O'Byrne1935Pogocolon gaurae breeding in Missouri (Lepid.: Sphingidae)
W. H. T. Tams1935Heterocera (exclusive of Geometridae and the Microlepidoptera)
W. J. Baerg1935Three shade tree insects. II. Great elm leaf beetle, catalpa sphinx and eastern tent caterpillar
R. Mell1935Beiträge zur Fauna sinica. XV. Zur Systematik und oekologie der Sphingiden und Saturniiden von Chekiang (Samml. Höne)
S. Beller, Bhenchitr P.1936A preliminary list of insect pests and their host plants in Siam. (With notes on their injury, miscellaneous foods and utilization of the host plants)
A. M. da_Costa_Lima1936Terceiro catalogo dos insectos que vivem nas plantas do Brasil
F. Dupont, Scheepmaker G. J.1936Uit Java's vlinderleven
M. T. Cheo1936A preliminary list of the insects and arachnids injurious to economic plants in China
F. S. Bodenheimer1937Prodromus faunae palaestinae
A. L. H. Townsend1937Miscellaneous notes on the early stages of certain Heterocera
K. J. Valle1937Suurperhoset II. Ktäjät (Sphinges) ja kehrääjät (Bombyces)
T. R. D. Bell, Scott F. B.1937Sphingidae
M. Steeg1937Futterpflanzen für Saturniden und Sphingiden
M. T. Cheo1937A preliminary list of the insects and arachnids injurious to economic plants in China
A. Aue1938Entomologisches Allerei XVI
A. Aue1938Entomologisches Allerei XV
W. J. Clayton1938Description of and notes on the early stages of Hyloicus canadensis Bdv. (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
J. A. Comstock1938A new race of Euproserpinus phaeton from the Mojave Desert (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
E. E. Green1938Notes on some larvae of British Lepidoptera
D. G. Sevastopulo1938The early stages of Indian Lepidoptera
A. L. H. Townsend1938Further notes on the early stages of Heterocera bred in the Nakuru District
R. H. R. Stevenson1938The Sphingidae of South Africa, with special reference to those of Southern Rhodesia
Bousseau1939Notes sur la chenille de {ICelerio nicaea} de Prunner var. castissima Austant [sic] (planche III)
J. A. Comstock, Dammers C. M.1939Studies in the metamorphoses of six California moths
R. E. Ellison, Wiltshire E. P.1939The Lepidoptera of the Lebanon: with notes on their season and distribution
H. D. Reh1939Eine neue Ersatzfutterpflanze fr {ICel. galii} L. [sic]
D. G. Sevastopulo1939The early stages of Indian Lepidoptera. Part II
D. G. Sevastopulo1939The early stages of Indian Lepidoptera. Part IV
F. Schade1939Eine neue Colla
W. Sweadner, Chermock, F. H., Chermock, R. L.1940A new sphinx from eastern United States
F. Velasco1940Observaciones sobre el gusano de la yuca ({IErinnyis ello} L.)
C. F. C. Beeson, Chatterjee S. N.1940Possibilities of control of Lantana (Lantana aculeata Linn.) by indigineous insect pests
D. G. Sevastopulo1940On the food-plants of Indian Bombyces (Heterocera)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith