Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
J. S. Taylor1951Notes on Lepidoptera in the Eastern Cape Province (part II)
G. N. Wolcott1951The insects of Puerto Rico
J. R. J. L. Jones1951An annotated check list of the Macrolepidoptera of British Columbia
H. F. Chu, Liu Y. C.1951A classification of the sphingid larvae and pupae of Peking
H. M. Tietz1952The Lepidoptera of Pennsylvania, a manual
A. Bergmann1953Die Großschmettelinge Mitteldeutschlands. Unter besonderer Bercksichtigung der Formenbildung, der Vegetation und der Lebensgemeinschaften in Thüringen sowie der Verflechtung mit der Fauna Europas
C. G. C. Dickson1953Recently observed food-plants of some Cape lepidopterous larvae (4th series)
G. F. Knowlton1953Observations on Celerio lineata, the White-lined Sphinx, in Utah
C. H. Stockley1953Some east African hawk moths
J. S. Taylor1953Notes on Lepidoptera in the Eastern Cape Province (part III)
G. D. Bhasin, Roonwal M. L.1954A list of pests of forest pests in India and the adjacent countries (arranged alphabetically according to plant genera and species, for the use of forest officers). Part 2. - List of insect pests of plant genera 'A' (Aberia to Azima)
C. M. de Biezanko, Zopp J.1954Die Sphingiden Uruguays
D. C. Ferguson1954The Lepidoptera of Nova Scotia part I, Macrolepidoptera
A. Ruffinelli, Carbonell C. S.1954Segunda lista de insectos y otros artrópodos de importancia económica en el Uruguay
E. J. Seppänen1954Suomen suurperhostoukkien ravintokasvit. Die Futterpflanzen der Grossschmetterlingsraupen Finnlands
J. J. H. Szent-Ivány1954Two new insect pests of Theobroma cacao in New Guinea
Y. Yamamoto1954Notes on larva and pupa of Phyllosphingia dissimilis Bremer et Grey (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
I. V. Kozhanchikov1955Lepidoptera
J. R. Mamet1955A revised food-plant catalogue of the insects of Mauritius
K. Kernbach1955Pseudoclanis postica Walker und ihre Unterarten (Lepid. Sphingidae)
S. Usman, Puttarudraiah M.1955A list of the insects of Mysore including the mites
F. Cohic1956Parasites animaux des plantes cultivées en Nouvelle-Calédonie et Dépendances
J. A. Comstock1956Notes on the life history of a rare Arizona sphinx moth, {IXylophanes falco} Walker
R. Paulian, Viette P. E. L.1956Essai d'un catalogue biologique des Lépidoptères Hétérocères de Tananarive
J. B. M. van Dinther1956Three noxious hornworms in Suriname
C. Wilkinson1956Celerio nicaea (de Prun.): a hawk moth new to the British list
A. S. Rozhkov1956The pine hawk-moth (Sphinx pinastri L.) - a pest of larch and stone pine in Cisbaikal
D. G. Sevastopulo1956Notes on Heterocera of Kampala and neighbourhood (II)
J. J. H. Szent-Ivány1956New insect pest and host plant records in the Territory of Papua and New Guinea
C. M. de Biezanko, Ruffinelli, A., Carbonell, C. S.1957Lepidoptera del Uruguay: lista anotada del especies
J. S. Taylor1957Notes on Lepidoptera in the Eastern Cape Province (part IV)
E. P. Wiltshire1957The Lepidoptera of Iraq
G. D. Bhasin, Roonwal, M. L., Balwant_Singh1958A list of pests of forest pests in India and the adjacent countries (arranged alphabetically according to plant genera and species, for the use of forest officers). Part 3.
J. W. Heslop_Harrison1958Lepidoptera in the Scottish Western Isles in 1957
J. Muller1958The larval stages of Sphinx frankii [sic] (Sphingidae)
J. J. H. Szent-Ivány1958Insects of cultivated plants in the Central Highlands of New Guinea
E. C. Zimmerman1958Macrolepidoptera
D. G. Sevastopulo1958Field notes from East Africa. - IX
B. M. McGugan1958Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the Forest Insect Survey. Volume I - Papilionidae to Arctiidae
R. H. Le Pelley1959Agricultural insects of East Africa
R. N. Mathur Balwant_Singh1959A list of pests of forest pests in India and the adjacent countries (arranged alphabetically according to plant genera and species, for the use of forest officers). Part 5. - List of insect pests of plant genera 'D' to 'F' (Dactyloclenium to Funtumia)
J. Soffner1959Dolbina elegans O. Bang-Haas in Europa (Lep. Sphingidae)
G. A. Hardy1959Notes on the life histories of four moths from southern Vancouver Island
R. Mell1959Sprunghafter Wechsel der Nährpflanze bei der Eiablage von Schmetterlingen. Beiträge zur Fauna sinica XXVI
K. J. Hayward1960Insectos tucumanos perjudiciales
M. J. Manski1960Food plants of some Queensland Lepidoptera
R. N. Mathur1960Pests of teak and their control
R. N. Mathur Balwant_Singh1960A list of pests of forest pests in India and the adjacent countries (arranged alphabetically according to plant genera and species, for the use of forest officers). Part 4. - List of insect pests of plant genera 'C' (concluded) (Clausena to Cytisus)
R. N. Mathur Balwant_Singh1960A list of pests of forest pests in India and the adjacent countries (arranged alphabetically according to plant genera and species, for the use of forest officers). Part 6 - List of insect pests of plant genera 'G' to 'K' (Gamblea to Kydia)
R. N. Mathur Balwant_Singh1960A list of pests of forest pests in India and the adjacent countries (arranged alphabetically according to plant genera and species, for the use of forest officers). Part 7. - List of insect pests of plant genera 'L' to 'O' (Lablab to Oxytenanthera)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith