Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
V. V. Anikin, Sachkov, S. A., Zolotuhin, V. V.2000"Fauna lepidopterologica Volgo-Uralensis" 150 years later: changes and additions. Part 2. Bombyces and Sphinges (Insecta, Lepidoptera)
L. V. Bolshakov, Ismagilov N. N.2017Moths of Republic of Tatarstan. 2. Metaheterocera excluding Geometridae, Noctuidae (Lepidoptera)
P. Chatard2015Contribution à l'actualisation des données des Bombycoïdes et Geometridae du site Internet Lépi'Net après sa mise à jour du 19-VII-2015
L. Dapporto, Fiorini, G., Fiumi, G., Flamigni, C.2005I Macrolepidotteri del Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, del Monte Falterona e di Campigna (Lepidoptera)
D. Demergès, Robineau R.2014Les chenilles des papillons de France. 1. Lasiocampidae, Endromidae, Saturniidae, Lemoniidae & Sphingidae
W. Dierl1975Ergebnisse der Bhutan-Expedition 1972 des Naturhistorischen Museums in Basel. Einige Familien der “bombycomorphen” Lepidoptera
V. V. Dubatolov2015Macroheterocera, excluding Geometridae (Lepidoptera) of coniferous forests of the Nature Reserve Botchinskii and its environs (summer and autumn aspects)
V. V. Dubatolov2009Macroheterocera excluding Geometridae and Noctuidae s. lat. (Insecta, Lepidoptera) of Lower Amur
V. V. Dubatolov, Dolgikh A. M.2010New records of macromoths (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Macroheterocera) in the Bolshekhekhtsirskii Nature Reserve (Khabarovsk suburbs)
V. V. Dubatolov, Dolgikh A. M.2007Macroheterocera (excluding Geometridae and Noctuidae) of the Bolshekhekhtsirskii Nature Reserve (the Khabarovsk suburbs)
C. - M. Fu, Ronkay, L., Lin, H. - H.2013Moths of Hehuanshan
S. Funakoshi, Miyano, A., Endo, H., Komai, F.2014The number of individuals of Lepidoptera in the alpine zone of Mt. Norikura in middle July 2010 and early August 2011
P. Föhst1991Ein Beitrag zur Makrolepidopterenfauna des südlichen Teils des Lago d'Iseo un der Lombardei (Prov. Bergamo)
G. F. Hampson1910The moths of India. Supplementary paper to the volumes in "The fauna of British India." Series IV, part I
J. S. Irungbam, Irungbam M. S.2019Contributions to the knowledge of moths of Bombycoidea Latreille, 1802 (Lepidoptera: Heterocera) of Bhutan with new records
Y. Kishida, Akiba, T., Iimori, M., Kitajima, Y., Sakamoto, Y., Yano, T., Jinbo, U.2018List of moths collected at Asagiri-kogen, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka Prefecture in 2017, on insects fauna investigation which is to be outsourced from Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan
A. Leveque, Faucheux, F., Archaux, F.2009Contribution à l'inventaire des Hétérocères du Loiret (1ère note) (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae, Cossidae, Limacodidae, Lasiocampidae, Endromidae, Saturniidae, Sphingidae)
M. Martin2014Lépidoptères observés dans le sud du département de la Marne du 1982 à 1987 ou cinq ans de sondages au Meix-Tiercelin (Lepidoptera)
J. Neid2006{IEndromis versicolora} (L., 1758) et {IHyles hippophaes} (Esper, 1785) en Franche-Comté (Lepidoptera Endromidae et Sphingidae)
K. Nupponen, Fibiger M.2002Contribution to the knowledge of the fauna of Bombyces, Sphinges and Noctuidae of the southern Ural Mountains, with description of a new Dichagyris (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae, Endromidae, Saturniidae, Sphingidae, Notodontidae, ... Nolidae, Arctiidae)
P. E. Osipov, Streltzov, A. N., Dvoeglazova, A. V.2006New records of Macroheterocera of families Sphingidae and Bombycidae from Nature Reserve "Bastak"
B. K. Rasmussen2015Contribution à la connaissance des Macro-hétérocères du haut plateau landais et analyse de la végétation de trois airiaux des communes de Vert et de Luglon (Haute-Lande de Gascogne)
Chistyakov, Y. A.2009Bombycoidea, pp. 273-276 in
Gordeeva, T. V., Gordeev S. Y.2007Metaheterocera. Pp. 70-147, in:
S. Wu, Fu, C. - M., Tzuoo, H. - R., L.-C., S., Chang, W. - C., Lin, H. - H.2020An annotated checklist of macro moths in mid- to high-mountain ranges of Taiwan (Lepidoptera: Macroheterocera)
D. Y. Zhang et al.,1986Illustrated Compendium of the insects of Tibet
V. V. Zolotuhin2012Taxonomic remarks on Andraca Walker, 1865 (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) with descriptions of five new species
V. V. Zolotuhin, Pugaev, S. N., Sinjaev, V. V., Witt, T. J.2011The biology of Mirinidae with description of preimaginal instars of Mirina confucius Zolotuhin & Witt, 2000 (Lepidoptera, Mirinidae)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith