Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
P. Basquin, Rougerie R.2009Contribution à la connaissance du genre Maltagorea Bouyer, 1993: description d’une nouvelle espèce révélée par la combinaison de caractères morphologiques et de codes barres ADN (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae)
Y. Basset, Lamarre, G. P. A., Ratz, T., Segar, S. T., Decaëns, T., Rougerie, R., Miller, S. E., Perez, F., Bobadilla, R., Lopez, Y., Ramirez, J. A., Aiello, A., Barrios, H.2017The Saturniidae of Barro Colorado Island, Panama: a model taxon for studying the long-term effects of climate change?
M. J. W. Cock, Rougerie R.2021Gamelia bennetti sp. nov., a new Saturniidae species from Trinidad and Tobago (Lepidoptera: Bombycoidea)
T. Decaëns, Rougerie R.2008Descriptions of two new species of Hemileucinae (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) from the region of Muzo in Colombia - evidence from morphology and DNA barcodes
C. González, Ballesteros-Mejia, L., Díaz-Díaz, J., Toro-Vargas, D. M., Amarillo-Suarez, A. R., Gey, G., León, C., Tovar, E., Arias, M., Rivera, N., Buitrago, L. S., Pinto-Moraes, R. H., Martins, I. S. Sano, Decaëns, T., González, M. A., Kitching, I. J., Rougerie, R.2023Deadly and venomous Lonomia caterpillars are more than the two usual suspects
C. A. Hamilton, Winiger, N., Rubin, J. J., Breinholt, J., Rougerie, R., Kitching, I. J., Barber, J. R., Kawahara, A. Y.2022Hidden phylogenomic signal helps elucidate arsenurine silkmoth phylogeny and the evolution of body size and wing shape trade-offs
M. Heikkilä, Minet, J., Zwick, A., Hundsdoerfer, A., Rougerie, R., Kitching, I. J.2023Critical re-examination of known purported fossil Bombycoidea (Lepidoptera)
D. H. Janzen, Hallwachs, W., Harvey, D. J., Darrow, K., Rougerie, R., Hajibabaei, M., Smith, M. A., Bertrand, C., Gamboa, I. C., Espinoza, B., Sullivan, J. B., Decaëns, T., Herbin, D., Chavarria, L. F., Franco, R., Cambronero, H., Rios, S., Quesada, F., Pereira, G., Vargas, J., Guadamuz, A., Espinoza, R., Hernandez, J., Rios, L., Cantillano, E., Moraga, R., Moraga, C., Rios, P., Rios, M., Calero, R., Martinez, D., Briceño, D., Carmona, M., Apu, E., Aragon, K., Umaña, C., Perez, J., Cordoba, A., Umaña, P., Sihezar, G., Espinoza, O., Cano, C., Araya, E., Garcia, D., Ramirez, H., Pereira, M., Cortez, J., Pereira, M., Medina, W., Hebert, P. D. N.2012What happens to the traditional taxonomy when a well-known tropical saturniid moth fauna is DNA barcoded?
A. C. Jiménez-Bolivár, Prada-Lara, L., St Laurent, R. A., Rougerie, R.2021The wild silkmoths (Lepidoptera: Bombycoidea: Saturniidae) of Colombia: a database of occurrence points and taxonomic checklist
I. J. Kitching, Rougerie, R., Zwick, A., Hamilton, C. A., St._Laurent, R., Naumann, S., Ballesteros-Mejia, L., Kawahara, A. Y.2018A global checklist of the Bombycoidea (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
G. P. A. Lamarre, Mendoza, I., Rougerie, R., Decaëns, T., Hérault, B., Bénéluz, F.2015Staying out (almost) all night: contrasting responses in flight activity among tropical moth assemblages
L. Ballesteros-Mejia, Arnal, P., Hallwachs, W., Haxaire, J., Janzen, D., Kitching, I. J., Rougerie, R.2020A global food plant dataset for wild silkmoths and hawkmoths and its use in documenting polyphagy of their caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Bombycoidea: Saturniidae, Sphingidae)
S. Naumann, Rougerie, R., Nässig, W. A.2016Additional note on the genus Archaeoattacus Watson [in Packard], 1914: description of a fourth species (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae, Saturniinae, Attacini)
M. Randrianandrasana, Berlocher, S. H., Rougerie, R., Berenbaum, M. R.2016Intraspecific variation in Antherina suraka (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae), an endemic resident of endangered forests in Madagascar
J. C. Regier, Grant, M. C., Mitter, C., Cook, C. P., Peigler, R. S., Rougerie, R.2008Phylogenetic relationships of wild silkmoths (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) inferred from four protein-coding nuclear genes
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith