Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
L. K. Barnett, Emms, C. W., Holloway, J. D.1999The moths of the Chagos Archipelago with notes on their biogeography
B. Dvořák2023Zum Ursprung von Sphinx pinastri Linnaeus, 1758 (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
B. Dvořák2022Besiedelte der Süẞkartoffelschwärmer Agrius cingulatus (Fabricius, 1775) die Neue Welt vin Hawaii aus? (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
B. Dvořák2022Eine Revision der Cocytiina Tutt, 1904 mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Gattung Panogena Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
B. Dvořák2021Stammt der Windenschwärmer Agrius convolvuli (Linnaeus, 1758) aus Neuseeland? (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
B. Dvořák2021Ermittlungsversuche zur Herkunft und Ausbreitung der wandernden Arten der Gattung Agrius Hübner, 1819 (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
D. C. Ferguson, Hilburn, D. J., Wright, B.1991The Lepidoptera of Bermuda: their food plants, biogeography, and means of dispersal
J. D. Holloway1983The biogeography of the Macrolepidoptera of south-eastern Polynesia
J. D. Holloway1977The Lepidoptera of Norfolk Island
J. D. Holloway1979A survey of the Lepidoptera, biogeography and ecology of New Caledonia
S. D. Johnson, Raguso R. A.2016The long-tongued hawkmoth pollinator niche for native and invasive plants in Africa
A. Y. Kawahara, Breinholt, J. W., Ponce, F. V., Haxaire, J., Lei, X., Lamarre, G. P. A., Rubinoff, D., Kitching, I. J.2013Evolution of Manduca sexta hornworms and relatives: biogeographical analysis reveals an ancestral diversification in Central America
A. J. Mongue, Kawahara A. Y.2022Population differentiation and structural variation in the Manduca sexta genome across the United States
R. Rougerie, Kitching, I. J., Haxaire, J., Miller, S. E., Hausmann, A., Hebert, P. D. N.2014Australian Sphingidae - DNA barcodes challenge current species boundaries and distributions
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith