Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
A. S. Rozhkov1972A new species of the genus Sphinx (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
A. S. Rozhkov1956The pine hawk-moth (Sphinx pinastri L.) - a pest of larch and stone pine in Cisbaikal
S. G. Rudykh, Ekimova N. V.2007New findings of rare insects in Western Transbaikal Region
S. A. Rybalkin, Benedek, B., Dubatolov, V. V.2022New for the fauna of Kunashir Island moths and butterflies (Lepidoptra: Carposinidae, Zygaenidae, Tortricidae, Geometridae, Notodontidae, Erebidae, Nolidae, Noctuidae, Lycaenidae)
S. A. Rybalkin, Yakovlev R. V.2017New for the fauna of Kuril Islands Lepidoptera
V. I. Shchurov2002Additions to the lepidopterofauna (Insecta, Lepidoptera) of north-west Caucasus. Pp. 69-83 in
V. I. Shchurov, Poltavsky, A. N., Ilyina, E. V.2013The dusky hawkmoth (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) in the North Caucasus. Pp. 131-133 in
V. M. Spitsyn, Spitsyna E. A.2021First record of the hawk moths genus Psilogramma Rothschild et Jordan, 1903 (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) for the fauna of Russia
V. M. Spitsyn, Spitsyna, E. A., Kondakov, A. V., Tomilova, A. A., Burchalovskaia, P. D., Bolotov, I. N.2022Laothoe amurensis zolotuhini ssp. nov. from Kunashir Island, Russia (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
O. Staudinger1892Die Macrolepidopteren des Amurgebietes. I. Theil. Rhopalocera, Sphinges, Bombyces, Noctuae
O. Staudinger1887Neue Arten und Varietäten von Lepidopteren aus dem Amur-Gebiet
O. Staudinger1879Ueber Lepidopteren des südöstlichen europäischen Russlands
Chistyakov, Y. A.2009Bombycoidea, pp. 273-276 in
A. N. Streltzov, Dubatolov V. V.2000New record of Hemaris staudingeri Leech, 1890 (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) from the Russian Far East
A. G. Tatarinov, Sedykh, K. F., Dolgin, M. M.2003Fauna of the European North-East of Russia. Metaheterocera (families Saturniidae, Endromidae, Lasiocampidae, Lemoniidae, Sphingidae, Drepanidae, Thyatiridae, Notodontidae, Lymantriidae, Nolidae, Arctiidae)
Gordeeva, T. V., Gordeev S. Y.2007Metaheterocera. Pp. 70-147, in:
P. Y. Ustjuzhanin, Teimurov, A. A., Anikin, V. V., Matov, A. Y., Naydenov, A. E., Streltzov, A. N., Yakovlev, R. V.2022Materials on the Lepidoptera fauna of the Dagestan Republic (Northeastern Caucasus, Russia): autumn aspect (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
J. Viidalepp1979On the fauna of Lepidoptera of Tuva ASSR. II. Sphinges and Bombyces
A. von Nordmann1851Neue Schmetterlinge Russlands beschrieben
S. Wagener1961Monographie der ostasiatischen Formen der Gattung Melanargia Meigen (Lepidoptera, Satyridae)
G. Fischer_de_Waldheim1830Oryctographie du Gouvernmente de Moscou
R. J. Wojtusiak, Niesiolowski W.1947Lepidoptera of the central Caucasus, collected during the Polish Alpine Expedition in 1935, with ecological and zoological remarks. I. Part. Macrolepidoptera
R. V. Yakovlev, Volgin I.2020New finding of Convolvulus Hawkmoth − Agrius convolvuli (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) in the south of Western Siberia
A. A. Zagorinsky, Gorbunov, O. G., Sidorov, A. V.2012Biology of the bat hawk moth Hyles vespertilio (Esper, 1780) in the Caucasus (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
I. A. Zakharov, Shaikevich, E. V., Ivshin, N. V.2007The Barcode of Life and butterfly identification
Dubatolov, V. V.1982On the species composition of hawkmoths (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) of the Soviet Far East
G. S. Zolotarenko, Petrova, V. P., Shiryaev, V. V.1978Sphingids (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) of western Siberia
V. V. Zolotuhin2017The Volga-Ural Lepidoptera described by E.J.Ch. Esper (1742-1810) in his "Die Schmetterlinge in Abbildungen nach der Natur"
V. V. Zolotuhin2017On a presence of Eriogyna pyretorum (Westwood, [1847]) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) in Russia
V. V. Zolotuhin2015Lappet moths of Russia and adjacent territories
V. V. Zolotuhin2014Lepidopterous insects in J.G. Georgi 1800's book as the first list of the order for the Russian fauna
V. V. Zolotuhin2011The Actias Leach, 1815, in the Far East: how many species? (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
V. V. Zolotuhin, Saldaitis A.2011Does Hyles chuvilini Eitschberger, Danner & Surholt, 1998 present a taxonomic problem? (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
V. V. Zolotuhin, Yevdoshenko S. I.2019Hawk moths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) of Russia and adjacent territories


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith