Leucophlebia emittens
Differs from Leucophlebia afra in that the medial pale band of the forewing upperside is produced distad along the veins, especially the posterior ones; smaller than Leucophlebia neumanni, in which the forewing upperside medial band is somewhat darker, contrasting less with the marginal areas.
Male genitalia: Uncus more abruptly narrowed than that in Leucophlebia lineata, apex somewhat sinuate.Gnathos with lobe broad, similar to Clanis euroa. Valva as in Leucophlebia lineata.
The records for Darjiling and Sikkim are each based on a single old specimen in BMNH. Given the age of these moths (pre-1900) and the lack of recent records from surrounding states and Nepal, the presence of Leucophlebia emittens in NE India needs to be confirmed.
The modelled distribution of Leucophlebia emittens can be found here on Map of Life.