Mimas tiliae
Very variable in forewing colour and pattern but nonetheless a distinctive species, not confusable with any other sphingid in the western Palaearctic. Distinguished from Mimas christophi by being larger and less dark. Forewing upperside ground colour varying from green to brown, grey and yellowish; dark medial band may be entire, broken, highly reduced or even absent. Forewing upperside of female often browner than the male but similarly variable in colour and pattern.
Male genitalia: Uncus subtriangular, apically broadly rounded and barely emarginate. Gnathos with short, broad-based, variably-developed median lobe. Valve rounded or subtriangular. Harpe with two small teeth, occasionally rough along the edges with small notches. Phallus with a movable apical process, which is armed apically with two small sharp teeth that vary individually in size and position. Tergite 8 rounded, very weakly sclerotized.
Female genitalia: Sterigma rather large. Ostium bursae with proximal margin raised, weakly emarginate.