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Home » Taxonomy » Sphingidae » Sphinginae » Sphingini » Sphingina » Neogene » Neogene corumbensis - Clark, 1922
Neogene corumbensis Clark, 1922
Neogene corumbensis Clark, 1922
Type data:
SYNTYPES 2♂ 2♀ Brazil: Matto Grosso [Mato Grosso], Corumba [Corumbá] [1♂ MNHU; 1♂ 2♀ CMNH]. There are 1♂1♀ in NHMUK, 1♀ in OUMO, and 2♂1♀ in CMNH all labelled "cotype" but they are not type material.
Taxonomic Notes:
Implicitly synonymized with Neogene dynaeus as a subspecies by Clark, 1924, Proc. New Engl. zool. Club 9: 13. This subspecies status was queried by Oiticica Filho, 1939, Bolm biol. Clube zool. Bras. (N.S.) 4: 275. Incorrectly synonymized with Neogene dynaeus by d'Abrera, 1987, Sphingidae Mundi: 36. Reinstated as a subspecies of Neogene dynaeus by Carcasson & Heppner, 1996, Atlas Neotrop. Lepid. 4B: 52. Implicitly reinstated as a species by Haxaire & Herbin, 1999, Rev. Assoc. rouss. Ent. 8: 71.