Rhagastis velata
Labial palp segment 1 apical cavity distinct; second segment longer than broad, not narrowed to base. Metanotum without black medial dot. Forewing apex not falcate. Upperside of abdomen without a pair of lateral golden stripes or (occasionally) with vestigial stripes on the posterior segments. Outer row of forebasitarsal spines simple or doubled only at base. Forewing upperside with the four postmedial lines forming a conspicuous dark patch on the inner margin that is often continued towards the costa where it joins another (not always well-marked) patch near the discal spot; two or three of the postmedial lines usually strongly dentate. Forewing underside with brown border widened anterior to vein M3, sometimes almost as far as the basal area. Hindwing underside without a small black discal spot.
Male genitalia: Gnathos long, parallel-sided, obtusely rounded apically. Valve with large paired stridulatory scales. Harpe similar to Rhagastis acuta but rather more curved. Phallus symmetrical, both processes having several irregular rows of small teeth along the proximal edge.