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Home » Taxonomy » Sphingidae » Smerinthinae » Ambulycini » Protambulyx » Ambulyx - Lucas, 1857 [Invalid]
Ambulyx Lucas, 1857 [Invalid]
Tribe: AmbulyciniGenus: Protambulyx
Ambulyx Lucas, 1857
Unacceptability Reason:
homonym & junior synonym
Type data:
Type species: Sphinx strigilis Linnaeus, 1771, by monotypy.
Nomenclature notes:
A junior homonym of Ambulyx Westwood, 1847 (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) and an objective synonym of Protambulyx Rothschild & Jordan. Ambulyx was regarded by Lucas as a Boisduval manuscript name.
Sagra's work was published simultaneously in both French and Spanish editions; the sizes of the volumes in the two editions differ, hence the different pagination. In the Spanish edition (in Sagra, Hist. fis. pol. nat. Isla Cuba (2) 7 (2, Insectos): 291) the name was spelled Ambulyx and ‡Ambulix, the latter an incorrect original spelling.