Coelonia fulvinotata
Sexually dimorphic: subapical region of forewing upperside whiter in female than in male. Antenna white tipped. Metanotum with pinkish-red hairs. Abdomen with yellow lateral patches, not almost white as in Coelonia solani solani. Hindwing underside with base and inner margin yellow, not white as in Coelonia solani solani. Male forecoxal androconial organ well-developed, generally visible without removal of coxae; much more conspicuous than in Coelonia solani solani. Foretibia short, very broad, with long, dense scaling; foretarsus short, with long scales on the inner face.
Male genitalia: Uncus similar to Agrius convolvuli, less high pre-apically but slightly broader. Gnathos with a mesial lobe as in Megacorma obliqua obliqua but differently shaped. Harpe with two processes, similar to Agrius convolvuli but ventral process longer.
Female genitalia: Ostium bursae covered by a flap that is much larger than in Agrius convolvuli, mesially membranous, divided into two flaps that become narrower proximally.