Cypa decolor
Habitus: Similar to Cypa terranea, but less greenish brown dorsally. Undersides of both wings with the fasciae straight, that of the forewing with pale grey on both sides; a reddish brown triangular zone at the base of the wings takes up half their area. The male habitus tends to be more variegated than that of the female.
Male genitalia: Uncus narrows suddenly after base; apex pointed, not divided. Gnathos absent. Valva elongate, triangular, with a dorso-basal flat process. Harpe with a basal, slender, rod-like clubbed process and a more distal triangular process extending to dorsal margin of valva. Phallus armed terminally with horizontal slender process.
Female genitalia: Tergum A8 grooved medially, groove widening at base and below. Sterigma: lamella antevaginalis short not strongly sclerotised; lamella postvaginalis in form of a triangular rounded-truncated plate.