Eumorpha adamsi (Taxonomy)
Transferred to Eumorpha by d'Abrera, [1987] 1986, Sphingidae Mundi: 122.
Cannot be confused with any other species of Eumorpha except Eumorpha translineatus from which it is immediately distinguishable by the bright pink marginal band and tornal patch on the hindwing upperside. Foretibia with a few apical spines. Hindtibia shorter scaled than in Eumorpha fasciatus fasciatus. Hindbasitarsus as long as tibia. Forewing length 40 mm. Uncus slender, sharply pointed. Valve ventral margin strongly convex, stridulatory scales inconspicuous, no patch of bristles on inner face. Harpe with two processes; the upper corresponding to that in Eumorpha satellitia satellitia, pointed, curved, bent latero-ventrad; the other broad, weakly sclerotized, obtuse, subconical, hollow. Aedeagus ending in an acute, stout process, which is more curved than is usual in Eumorpha.