Pantophaea favillacea
Male: Whitish grey. Metanotum with a black lateral spot. Abdomen upperside with a black mesial line, and series of black dorso-lateral spots at the apices of the segments. Forewing upperside whitish grey with an indistinct costal spot in the basal third; another by the anterior angle of the discal cell; two very thin discal streaks from vein M3 to CuA2; a thin oblique line from the tip of vein Rs3 towards the discal area; and the fringe dots at the ends of the veins all brownish black; the trace of a discal band present beginning at the costal margin before fork, convex to vein CuA1 then straight; another band parallel but proximal to it originating at the costal spot, interrupted between veins M1 and CuA1. Both wings undersides grey, with no markings except a short apical oblique line on the forewing and the small fringe dots. Hindwing upperside unicolorous, with very thin brown fringe-spots at the ends of the veins. FWL: 34 mm.
Male genitalia: Uncus divided as in Psilogramma menephron, but the two processes are wider apart and more strongly curved downwards. Gnathos very short, with a small round lobe at each side, mesially curved upwards, resembling a shallow, rounded W in apical view. Valve long sole-shaped, the inner sheath raised into a low sharp ridge just above the triangular ventro-basal part that represents the harpe. Juxta a short half-cylinder, open dorsally, the ventral edge curved downwards. Phallus with a two-pointed short process that projects laterad.