Cephonodes kingii
Similar in general appearance to Cephonodes hylas but immediately distinguishable by the much larger apical brown area. Foretibia lacking an apical claw. Forewing upperside with marginal band 4-5 mm broad at Rs4, inner edge even or dentate (with intergradations) between the veins.
Male genitalia: Tegumen, vinculum, uncus and gnathos practically symmetrical, the asymmetry found in other species of Cephonodes only barely indicated. Uncus as in Cephonodes woodfordii woodfordii, slightly tapering to apex, divided by a medial groove, apically incised, the left lobe a little longer than the right. Gnathos elongate-lanceolate, apex acuminate, right side more convex basally than the left.Left valve long, sides almost parallel, slightly narrowed towards rounded apex; right valve larger but also narrow, widest beyond the middle, ventral edge shallowly emarginate distally, apex obtusely acuminate, somewhat curved ventrad. Juxta compressed, large, but short, triangular. Phallus rather stout, without hooks.