Cephonodes picus
Very similar to Cephonodes hylas but immediately distinguishable by the foretibial claw and the orange tinge to the underside of the abdomen. Foretibia with an apical claw. Underside of thorax orange.
Male genitalia: Tegumen, vinculum, uncus and gnathos resembling Cephonodes kingii, but much more asymmetrical, the gnathos moved towards the right side. Uncus divided by a longitudinal groove, the two halves separated only apically, elongate, slightly tapering apically, so twisted that the right lobe lies higher than the left, the latter shorter than the former. Gnathos curved, lanceolate. Juxta large. Left valve narrow, sides nearly parallel, apex somewhat dilated, subtruncate, ventral angle more rounded than upper; right valve very large, ventral part of inner surface covered with black setae.
Given that there are samples from Sumatra and Bali that DNA barcode as Cephonodes cunninghami, populations from the Andamans, Thailand and Vietnam to Palawan, Borneo and Java are tentatively assigned to that species, pending further study and confirmation. They are mapped under that species.