Sphingidae Taxonomic Inventory

Creating a taxonomic e-science


AuthorsYearsort ascendingTitle
U. Paukstadt, Paukstadt L. H.2024Zwei neue Taxa aus der Gattung Antheraea Hübner, 1819 [„1816“] von den Philippinen (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
S. Naumann, Giusti, A., Nässig, W. A.2024A revision of the species of the genus Hampsonjana Nässig & Naumann, 2022 (Lepidoptera, Eupterotidae, Eupterotinae) from South and Southeast Asia
H. Sulak, Saldaitis, A., Yakovlev, R. V., Volkova, J. S., Traore, M. M., Müller, G. C., Revay, E. E., Prozorova, T. A., Prozorov, A. M.2024Two new species for the Afrotropic genus Leptometa: Leptometa danieli and Leptometa gabrielae (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae)
A. M. Prozorov, Volkova, J. S., Saldaitis, A., Prozorova, T. A., Sulak, H., Yakovlev, R. V., Traore, M. M., Revay, E. E., Müller, G. C.2024A new genus Meyameta for South African “Napta” straminea and description of its sister species from Namibia (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae)
O. Tejuoso, Friend, H. L., Prozorov, A. M., Yakovlev, R. V., Saldaitis, A., Prozorova, T. A., Sulak, H., Volkova, J. S., Murphy, R. J., Revay, E. E., Müller, G. C.2024Sonitha adetoun – a new species from the Congolian lowland forests (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae, Lasiocampinae, Gastropachini)
Z. Liu, Cao X.2024Rondotia melanoleuca sp. nov., a new wild-mulberry silkworm from China (Lepidoptera, Bombycidae)
H. L. Friend, Prozorov, A. M., Yakovlev, R. V., Prozorova, T. A., Saldaitis, A., Sulak, H., Volkova, J. S., Lamah, S. P., Müller, G. C.2024Four new species close to Sonitha libera and Sonitha myoctona from the Congolian lowland forests (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae)
H. Takano2024Revisional notes on Grammodora Aurivillius, 1927 with the descriptions of two new species from Angola and Tanzania (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae: Lasiocampinae: Selenepherini)
H. Takano2024Descriptions of three new Sonitha Zolotuhin & Prozorov, 2010 (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae: Lasiocampinae: Gastropachini) from West Africa in the collections of the African Natural History Research Trust, with taxonomic notes on the genus
H. Takano, László G. M.2024Descriptions of new Hypotrabala Holland, 1893 (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae: Lasiocampinae: Selenepherini) in the collections of the African Natural History Research Trust, with notes on allied genera and the description of a new genus
A. M. Prozorov, Yakovlev, R. V., Saldaitis, A., Sulak, H., Prozorova, T. A., Volkova, J. S., Lamah, S. P., Petrányi, G., Revay, E. E., Müller, G. C.2024New Afrotropical Opisthoheza siniaevi and Sonithometa maurice (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae, Lasiocampinae, Gastropachini)
A. M. Prozorov, Saldaitis, A., Yakovlev, R. V., Volkova, J. S., Sulak, H., Prozorova, T. A., Revay, E. E., Müller, G. C.2024Two new sister species of Gastroplakaeis: G. lidia and G. alena (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae, Lasiocampinae, Selenepherini)
Z. - H. Jiang, Wang, J. - X., Xu, Z. - B., Kitching, I. J., Huang, C. - L., Hu, S. - J., Xiao, Y. - L.2024Revision of the genus Rhagastis Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) from China, based on morphological and phylogenetic analyses
R. Joshi, Singh, N., Ahmad, J.2023An annotated catalogue of Indian Lasiocampidae (Lasiocampoidea, Lepidoptera)
T. M. A. Lima, Sena, J. D. N., Câmara, J. T., Teston, J. A.2023Complexes of species of Eumorpha Hübner [1807] (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) from the Maranhão State, Brazil
D. Herbin2023Supplement to the Phiditiidae in French Guiana (Lepidoptera Bombycoidea)
G. Durand2023Contribution à l'étude des Lasiocampidae néotropicaux. Description de nouvelles espèces du « complex Euglyphis submarginalis » (Lepidoptera Lasiocampidae)
J. - D. Deschamps2023Description d'une nouvelle espèce de Coelonia Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae, Sphinginae)
J. - D. Deschamps2023Description d'une nouvelle espèce de Temnora Walker, 1856 (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae, Macroglossinae)
J. Rayhan, Jahan, S., Irungbam, J. S.2023First description of the hitherto unknown male and female genitalia of Eupterote citrina (Walker, 1855) (Lepidoptera: Eupterotidae) with taxonomic note on its related taxa
D. L. Wagner, Cain, D. L., Peigler, R. S.2023A new Dryocampa species (Saturniidae: Caeratocampinae) from the hill country of Texas: not everything in Texas is big
S. Naumann, Nässig W. A.2023Strigognatha gen. n., a new monophyletic genus of Eupterotidae: Eupterotinae from Asia, with description of six new species
S. Naumann, Smetacek P.2023Eleven new Saturniidae species from India and adjacent countries.
W. A. Nässig, Naumann S.2023On a possible synonymy in the genus Eupterote s.l.: E. olivescens Rothschild, 1920 and E. kalliesi Nässig, 2000 from Sumatra, are they the same or two different species with diurnal males? (Lepidoptera, Eupterotidae, Eupterotinae)
V. M. Spitsyn, Bolotov, I. N., Spitsyna, E. A.2023Ambulyx labuanensis sp. nov. from Flores Island, Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
A. M. Prozorov, Prozorova, T. A., Yakovlev, R. V., Volkova, J. S., Saldaitis, A., Sulak, H., Revay, E. E., Müller, G. C.2023A new genus of Afrotropical Lasiocampini: Revaya gen. n. (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae, Lasiocampinae)
A. M. Prozorov, McKenzie, K., Prozorova, T. A., Saldaitis, A., Sulak, H., Volkova, J. S., Yakovlev, R. V., Revay, E. E., Müller, G. C.2023Description of two new species close to Sonitha alucard from the Congolian lowland forests (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae, Lasiocampinae, Gastropachini)
A. M. Prozorov, Prozorova, T. A., Nedoshivina, S. V., Yakovlev, R. V., Volkova, J. S., Saldaitis, A., Revay, E. E., Müller, G. C.2023Vavizola hela – new species and genus of Afrotropic Lasiocampini (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae)
A. M. Prozorov, Prozorova, T. A., Spitsyn, V. M., Spitsyna, E. A., Kondakov, A. V., Soboleva, A. A., Volkova, J. S., Yakovlev, R. V., Saldaitis, A., Sulak, H., Revay, E. E., Müller, G. C.2023New records of Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera) from Zanzibar Island with taxonomic notes and description of one new species of Odontopacha Aurivillius, 1909
A. M. Prozorov, Cipolla, A., Ignatev, N., Yakovlev, R. V., Saldaitis, A., Prozorova, T. A., Revay, E. E., Volkova, J. S., Sulak, H., Lamah, S. P., Traore, M. M., Müller, G. C.2023A new genus of Afrotropical Lasiocampini: Mckenziana gen. n. (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae, Lasiocampinae)
A. M. Prozorov, Saldaitis, A., Volkova, J. S., Prozorova, T. A., Revay, E. E., Yakovlev, R. V., Sulak, H., Petrányi, G., Müller, G. C.2023Two new species close to Pachyna satanas from the Congolian forests (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae, Lasiocampinae)
A. M. Prozorov, Saldaitis, A., Sulak, H., Yakovlev, R. V., Murphy, R. J., Petrányi, G., Revay, E. E., Volkova, J. S., Prozorova, T. A., Müller, G. C.2023Two new species of the genus Rhynchobombyx from Central and East Africa (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae, Lasiocampinae)
A. M. Prozorov, Prozorova, T. A., Cipolla, A., Volkova, J. S., Yakovlev, R. V., Saldaitis, A., Sulak, H., Müller, G. C.2023Four new species of Leptometa Aurivillius from African tropical forests (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae)
A. M. Prozorov, Prozorova, T. A., Yakovlev, R. V., Volkova, J. S., Saldaitis, A., Sulak, H., Revay, E. E., Müller, G. C.2023Chryseacampa gen n. – a new genus with two new species for Afrotropic Lasiocampinae (Lasiocampidae, Lepidoptera)
A. M. Prozorov, Yakovlev, R. V., Prozorova, T. A., Saldaitis, A., Revay, E. E., Sulak, H., Volkova, J. S., Traore, M. M., Petrányi, G., Müller, G. C.2023A new genus and species for Afrotropic Lasiocampinae: Khayapacha danieli (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae)
U. Paukstadt, Paukstadt, L. H., van Schayck, E.2023Vergleiche der Präimaginalstadien von Brahmaea hearseyi White, 1862 [„1861“] aus China (Shaanxi) und B. loeffleri Naumann & Brosch, 2005 aus Indonesien (Sumatra) (Lepidoptera: Brahmaeidae)
A. M. Prozorov, Prozorova, T. A., Yakovlev, R. V., Volkova, J. S., Saldaitis, A., Sulak, H., Revay, E. E., Müller, G. C.2023Description of two new species of Dinometa from East Africa with remarks on D. maputuana (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae, Lasiocampinae)
A. M. Prozorov, Revay, E. E., Yakovlev, R. V., Volkova, J. S., Murphy, R. J., Prozorova, T. A., Saldaitis, A., Petrányi, G., Sulak, H., Traore, M. M., Müller, G. C.2023Two new species for Gonotrichidia from West and East Africa (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae, Lasiocampinae)
E. Orlandin, Piovesan, M., Herbin, D., Carneiro, E.2023More than Olceclostera bifenestrata: New species and morphology of immature stages of Olceclostera Butler, 1879 (Lepidoptera: Bombycoidea, Apatelodidae)
U. Paukstadt, Paukstadt L. H.2023Eine neue Saturniide von Sulawesi, Indonesien: Antheraea (Antheraea) torajaensis sp. nov. (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
U. Paukstadt, Paukstadt L. H.2023Taxonomische Änderungen bei der Gattung Cricula Walker, 1855 von Sumatra, Indonesien (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
J. Haxaire, Melichar, T., Rougerie, R.2023Notes on the use of genus Hyloicus Hübner, 1819, with the description of a new species of the “H. pinastri complex” from Corsica (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
Z. - B. Xu, He, J. - B., Yang, N., Kitching, I. J., Hu, S. - J.2023Review of the Narrow-Banded Hawkmoth, Neogurelca montana (Rothschild & Jordan, 1915) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) in China, with morphological and phylogenetic analysis
J. Haxaire, Melichar T.2023Contribution to the knowledge of the Sphingidae of Arunachal Pradesh, with taxonomic notes on the genera Eupanacra Cadiou & Holloway, 1989, Acosmeryx Boisduval, 1875, Ambulyx Westwood, 1847 and Marumba Moore, 1882 (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
J. Haxaire, Melichar T.2023Description of a new Mesoamerican subspecies of Manduca albiplaga (Walker, 1856) (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae, Sphinginae)
N. Ivshin, Melichar, T., Romanov, D.2023A new species of the genus Macroglossum Scopoli, 1777 (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) from Malay peninsula and northeast India
J. Haxaire, Melichar T.2023A review of the Xylophanes tyndarus (Boisduval, 1875) species group, with the description of a new species (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae, Macroglossinae)
U. Paukstadt, van Schayck E.2022Drei neue Taxa der afrotropischen Untergattung Shinocksiceras Bouyer, 2002 (Lepidoptera: Brahmaeidae: Dactyloceras)
E. Orlandin, Piovesan, M., Carneiro, E.2022From molecular data to natural history: a new species of Apatelodes (Lepidoptera: Bombycoidea: Apatelodidae) from southern Brazil
R. Brechlin2022Acht neue Arten der Gattung Paradirphia Michener, 1949 (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)


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